GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

Hey, there! After a long time exploring, i find that your AppleScript that involving languages switch doesn't work well with a third-party input source. In a word, after employing the third-party input source as current keyboard layout, the AppleScript tells me that " error "The variable activeKbdLayout is not defined." number -2753 from "activeKbdLayout". I have tried lots of solutions to figure it out but none of them worked. Please help me! Thank you very much!
The following is my AppleScript:
set activeKbdLayout to my getActiveKeyboardLayout()

on getActiveKeyboardLayout()

set plistPath to "~/Library/Preferences/"


do shell script "defaults read " & plistPath & " dummy"

end try

tell application "System Events"

repeat with pli in property list items of ¬

property list item "AppleSelectedInputSources" of ¬

property list file plistPath


return value of property list item "KeyboardLayout Name" of pli

end try

end repeat

end tell

end getActiveKeyboardLayout

set layoutName to activeKbdLayout as text

if layoutName is missing value or activeKbdLayout is "Hide Input Source Name" or activeKbdLayout is "Open Keyboard Preferences…" then

set layoutName to "S"

else if layoutName contains "ABC" then

set layoutName to "ABC"

end if


I would like to know if it's possible and if so how can I do this:
By pressing the (⌘ + ⌥ + ⇧ + 0) I can switch between the normal ouch bar and the custom touch bar.
When I'm in the custom touch bar when I press ⌘ it's showing the Dock Widget, is there a way to show the normal touch bar when I press the ⌘?

I've searched to see if anyone already asked for this but couldn't find any information about this. If some could point me to it, or help me figure out how to do it, I would appreciate the help.

Thank you.

Is this a bug ?

Hello, does anyone make the GC work with (Apple Music). I still cannot get it to work with Apple Music. No related actions show up on touchbar. I do see the options in BTT settings. Also no Now Playing widget for

Any help? Thanks :grinning:

Problem still exists in latest beta. White dot in the red stripe before meeting.

Shoot, I forgot to fix this one. Apologies, will be fixed in the next version!

@GoldenChaos. Is there a fix for the small slither of an icon or something to the left of upcoming calendar events? and also, did you manage to add Ferdi as a dock icon?


This is probably user error because I am new to this but I cannot get my airpods battery to show. The airpods icon is there showing connected but the battery information is a blank space.. any thoughts on how to get it back?

My AirPods Pro:I don't even have a blank space but "nothing" when connected. :sob: :sob: :sob:

I'm loving this extension, but what does the expanding icon on the left corner do?

it should make a window fullscreen or take it out of fullscreen. I believe you are taking about the button with the two arrows pointing in opposite corners, right?

@GoldenChaos Is there a way I can get access to the names triggers you use? I am copying my settings from your preset, but I can't get groups to open like when I long press the now playing controls and things like that. Thank you

Loving the utility. I use control-command-number to file messages in I see that in GC that control-command expands and contracts the menu bar. Any way for me to remap that so it does't conflict with the shortcut? Thanks!

short press mimics the escape key. long press makes current app full screen

3.368, new tab and refresh icon randomly disspear still (when opening most things)

could you guys support chatmate for whatsapp ?

for notifications update

thank you

MacBook Pro 16", 3.368. Phisical Escape key doesn't work in VMware Horizon Client 5.4 when Golden Chaos preset enabled. I installed KeyCastr app to show you the problem on the video. When I press ESC in terminal app you can see left bottom corner that it works well. When I switch app to VMware Horizon Client and then press ESC key, KeyCastr doesn't show anything and VMware Horizon Client becomes almost unresponsive like 1 fps per second and also BetterTouchTool CPU consumption raises 1%-->25%. To get rid of the lag I switch back to Terminal app and this very moment you can see that KeyCastr shows all my ESC keystrokes which I did in VMware Horizon Client.


I can't thank you enough for the preset! The latest week has really improved battery life for me!

Any change you could add dock badges for the Todoist app?

Hi there. I'm having a problem with the language widget. For languages with various input modes (the ones that I'm using are Traditional Chinese and Japanese), the Language Switcher widget doesn't seem to work. Whenever I change my keyboard language to either of those, the widget just disappears. Any ideas why? Help greatly appreciated.

Hi @GoldenChaos!

When I hold down the fn key, the touchbar display changes to the following:

I am using BTT 3.370 with GC 3.368, however the issue is not new, I have been experiencing it in previous versions as well.