Yes, it does, thanks a bunch, much more convenient vs having to use 9 keys (though those are still included for those cases when you don't want to use a mouse)! This is much better (made a simplistic split by 3rds, though corners should arguably be smaller, need to use it more to see what % is best)
Then the only things remaining are:
- (major) convert this into a sequence, so you can trigger, resize/move, click (or shortcut) to exit instead of holding a button all the time. Requires being able to bind any key to a trigger "AnyKey" to cancel a given action
- (major) fails for overlapping windows as you can't move to a window's border if it's in the background
So it seems that the only proper way is to ask to add part of the original feature that would allow scripts to actually resize some specific window side (the detection logic for which side exists) instead of simulating buggy mouse pointer clicks
ResizeFromSides+Move@C.bttpreset (136.0 KB)
Updated version with JS with a much easier matching than having to enter the same conditions manually in every action
Now it's a single on-key-down action (and reset on key up) instead of a dozen
This also allows maintaining mouse X position when you only need to move vertically (and vice versa)
Resize@pos.bttpreset|attachment (53.9 KB)