Can't get an equivalent javascript to work to move a mouse (run actions in a predefined-ordered sequence)

I was trying to improve my "Resize window below cursor" only resizes from bottom-right. - #26 by esv script to resize windows with a single keybind and a mouse, and instead of hardcoding coordinates where a mouse should move to to grab a window's side, I've tried using JS to get current corodinates and then maintain current X position for vertical movements (and Y positions for horizonal ones) so that the mouse jumps in a more pleasant fashion

I've copied the action to JS, but it still has a different effect: instead of resizing it clicks before the JS action is complete. Maybe it has to do with the async part???
The docs don't mention how to run a sequence of actions, so I've tried
// fails: let result = await callBTT('trigger_action',[{json:JSON.stringify(actionDefinition),wait_for_reply:false},{json:JSON.stringify(clickActionDef),wait_for_reply:false}]);
and also just

let result1 = await callBTT('trigger_action',{json:JSON.stringify(actionDefinition),wait_for_reply:false});
let result = await callBTT('trigger_action',{json:JSON.stringify(clickActionDef),wait_for_reply:false});

This seems to work better, but still not fully reliable, maybe because the order of execution is not guaranteed? Or I should wait for reply in the first call? What 's the correct wait to run multiple actions in a sequence preserving their order? (also tried to put two objects in an array in the actionDefinition, but that didn't work)

This is a substitution script

(async ()=> { // save X coord of the previously saved mouse position to ๐Ÿx
var x       	= 1
var y       	= 1
const winRel	= 1 // top-left

const mouse_pos    	= await callBTT('get_string_variable',{variable_name:'saved_mouse_position'})
const mouse_pos_arr	= mouse_pos.replace("{","").replace("}","").split(", ")
if (mouse_pos_arr.length != 2) {
  console.log(`tried to parse get_string_variable, but intsead of 2 numbers got โ€˜${mouse_pos_arr}โ€™`)
x = mouse_pos_arr[0]

let actionDefinition = {
  "BTTTriggerType"            	: -1,
  "BTTTriggerClass"           	: "BTTTriggerTypeMagicMouse",
  "BTTPredefinedActionType"   	: 153,
  "BTTPredefinedActionName"   	: "Move Mouse To Position",
  "BTTGenericActionConfig"    	: "{400, 1}",
  "BTTGenericActionConfig"    	: `{${x}, ${y}`,
  "BTTMoveMouseToPosition"    	: `{${x}, ${y}`,
  "BTTMoveMouseRelative"      	: `${winRel}`,
  "BTTAdditionalConfiguration"	: "1048584",
  "BTTUUID"                   	: "06ED07D3-F1D5-4DE9-AE41-8F34581B4162",
  "BTTEnabled"                	: 1,
  "BTTEnabled2"               	: 1,
  "BTTRequiredModifierKeys"   	: 1048576,
  "BTTOrder"                  	: 2

let result = await callBTT('trigger_action',{json:JSON.stringify(actionDefinition),wait_for_reply:false});

This is a currently working trigger without JS, JS substitutes the second action

    "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692169171.7556329,
    "BTTTriggerConditionsReadOnly" : "percent_y_hovered_win_btm_left > 66 AND percent_x_hovered_win_btm_left > 33 AND percent_x_hovered_win_btm_left <= 66",
    "BTTTriggerType" : 643,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Named Trigger: Resize@CursorPosition",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeOtherTriggers",
    "BTTPredefinedActionType" : 154,
    "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Save Current Mouse Position",
    "BTTTriggerName" : "Resize@CursorPosition",
    "BTTUUID" : "6277C1E9-172C-452C-904E-7F86DA4D6C13",
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTOrder" : 2,
    "BTTAdditionalActions" : [
        "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692167897.564405,
        "BTTTriggerType" : -1,
        "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeMagicMouse",
        "BTTPredefinedActionType" : 153,
        "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Move Mouse To Position",
        "BTTGenericActionConfig" : "{400, 1}",
        "BTTMoveMouseToPosition" : "{400, 1}",
        "BTTMoveMouseRelative" : "1",
        "BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1048584",
        "BTTUUID" : "06ED07D3-F1D5-4DE9-AE41-8F34581B4162",
        "BTTEnabled" : 1,
        "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
        "BTTRequiredModifierKeys" : 1048576,
        "BTTOrder" : 2
        "BTTLastUpdatedAt" : 1692167897.565105,
        "BTTTriggerType" : -1,
        "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeMagicMouse",
        "BTTPredefinedActionType" : 119,
        "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Custom Mouse Buttons & Modifiers(โŒƒโŒฅโ‡งโŒ˜)",
        "BTTGenericActionConfig" : "1000",
        "BTTGenericActionConfig2" : "1",
        "BTTCustomClickConfig" : "1000",
        "BTTCustomClickUpDownConfig" : "1",
        "BTTUUID" : "F8F7B19D-78C7-44F8-A45C-C9EE9C6642C7",
        "BTTEnabled" : 1,
        "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
        "BTTOrder" : 3
    "BTTGestureNotes" : "โฌ†๏ธ"