Notch Bar development status

To add that button to your existin group, you can just use cmd+c and cmd+v (when doing cmd+c BTT is copying a JSON like the above to your clipboard which you can paste anywhere in BTT).

If you want to continue doing it with FN, you can create a key sequence like this:

Yes, both methods work. Thanks :slight_smile:

One more thing: This...

In the Notch bar any modifier combination with ctrl opens an context menu when clicking and does not work.

If you really want to disable the context menu you can add this HTML widget:

    "BTTTriggerType" : 700,
    "BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Custom HTML & JS Widget",
    "BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeHTMLBar",
    "BTTPredefinedActionType" : -1,
    "BTTPredefinedActionName" : "No Action",
    "BTTEnabled2" : 1,
    "BTTRepeatDelay" : 0,
    "BTTUUID" : "6A25B8EE-1681-4B5C-87A3-F657C1B7AA9E",
    "BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
    "BTTEnabled" : 1,
    "BTTModifierMode" : 0,
    "BTTOrder" : 4,
    "BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
    "BTTMergeIntoTouchBarGroups" : 0,
    "BTTTriggerConfig" : {
      "BTTNotchBarHTML" : "",
      "BTTTouchBarButtonCornerRadius" : 5,
      "BTTNotchBarItemVisibleOnStandardScreen" : true,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonColor" : "0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000",
      "BTTTouchBarApplyCornerRadiusTo" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarItemPlacement" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarIconInvert" : false,
      "BTTTouchBarAlwaysShowButton" : false,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonHoverColor" : "248.880000, 146.115000, 128.010000, 181.050000",
      "BTTTouchBarButtonHeight" : 15,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonWidth" : 100,
      "BTTTouchBarItemIconHeight" : 15,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonTextAlignment" : 0,
      "BTTNotchBarJS" : "function disableContextMenu() {\ndocument.body.setAttribute('oncontextmenu', 'event.preventDefault();');\n}",
      "BTTTouchBarAlternateBackgroundColor" : "75.323769, 75.323769, 75.323769, 255.000000",
      "BTTTBWidgetWidth" : 400,
      "BTTTouchBarBorderColor" : "0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000",
      "BTTNotchBarJSFunctionOnLoad" : "disableContextMenu()",
      "BTTNotchBarWidgetVisibleStatusItems" : {
        "showAll" : 0
      "BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceBeforeButton" : 0,
      "BTTTouchBarItemIconWidth" : 15,
      "BTTTouchBarButtonName" : "test",
      "BTTTouchBarButtonFontSize" : 12,
      "BTTNotchBarItemVisibleOnNotchScreen" : true,
      "BTTTouchBarIconTextOffset" : 5,
      "BTTTouchBarOnlyShowIcon" : false,
      "BTTTouchBarFreeSpaceAfterButton" : 5,
      "BTTTouchBarItemPadding" : 0

I'll be invisible but still disable the context menu.

The context menu should be activated with ctrl + click. Correct? Why musst it be also activated with ctrl + any modifier + click?

That's the default behavior for the system wide view BTT uses (e.g. also in Safari). But maybe I can disable ctrl clicks completely and just allow real right-clicks

Mh, if others want it too, then yes, this would be nice. But not just for me. The point is: With modifiers that I often use (Command, Option) the Notch bar always changes the appearance. That is annoying when working.

I think I found a way to limit it to just ctrl+click and real right click, additional modifiers will cause the context menu to not show up. This sounds like a good compromise. Will be online a few minutes.

This is a very good compromise :slight_smile: :+1:

(-1821) works perfectly. Thank you. Always a pleasure.

1 Like

Very interesting new feature. Already using it :slight_smile:

hey andreas,have u got time to dig into it ? found anything ? im still having the issue

also idk if thats the expected behavior but the "Use desktop background image for Notch Bar" applies the same background for all desktops,isnt it supposed to just rely on macOS native blur which simply blurs the current wallpaper ?

unfortunately I haven't been able to look deeper into it yet, but the scrolling issue you encounter is not related to the Notch Bar. I'll be back in office next week then I have some more machinea to test with. I currently assume it might be related to pinch gestures configured in BTT or to two finger swipes configured in BTT, but I was not able to reproduce it on my MBP.

The blur will soon be fixed, but it will be custom blur, there is no way to use the exact system effect.

Hi again,
So the issue with the Notch Bar appearing when entering the full screen window is still there :confused:. Fortunately this time disabling Notch Bar (by Enable Notch Bar Support checkbox in the settings) is respected and I don't have to downgrade


BTT Version: 3.691
MacBook Pro 16", 2019 (Not M1, no notch)
MacOS Monterey 12.1 (21C52)

ah weird, I thought thid was fixed. I'll havw another look!

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gotcha. thank u very much ,do let me know :slight_smile:

oh im not talking about system effect exactly,just having the same blur as the current wallpaper,not wallpaper 1's blur for all desktop

I just did another update (although I have checked twice previously if there aren't any new updates), this time to 3.697 and it seems as though this issue is fixed. Thanks!

1 Like

Hi, love this new feature! Two quick questions:

The volume and brightness scroll widgets seem to be set to scroll direction: natural, despite that being off in my system settings. Can we have an option to invert this?

Additionally, in the Notch Bar Widget Mode settings, I have the boxes to turn off the left area checked, but the widgets are still showing up. Would it be possible to have the left side of the screen display the full-height application options (File, Edit, View, etc.) with the right side of the screen split between status items and Notch Bar widgets? Is that an intended functionality and just not working?


The scroll direction will soon adapt to the setting in system prefs. For now you can exchange the comparison operators in the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool/NotchBar/WidgetTemplates/BTTNotchBarWidgetBrightnessScroller.js

To have the full height menubar items you need to switch to menubar mode (by scrolling on the bar). If you hide the containers the area will just be black otherwise.

When I click with a Wacom tablet, it freeze. I think it's because of the fine drag. The same freeze occur when trying to drag a notch with a mouse click.