🦠 CoronaVirus COVID-19 Statistics in TouchBar

No, it doesn't cost me anything to have the download here. I pulled it last week when I caught a nasty bug causing one of the values to display incorrectly for certain countries (not USA).

Download is again available.

Thank you so much, is there way to show the total cases fully because the numbers are ending short on the touch bar.

What version of BTT are you currently running? Looks like your formatting is different or sizes are not the same on your Touch Bar. Its easy for you to adjust (Change the Total cases fixed width setting to high number like 85 or 90) and delete that extra line after Global Cases.

ohh ok, how can I get there I'm using the free trial version of better touch tool for now since I'm still new to all of this, don't know if that matters.

Click the Common button in the configuration view you captured. scroll down to where I specified. I dont know what version the trial is, it says that in the drop down menu bar item.

I was able to reproduce that font size issue on my system. Looks like it started after latest Mac OS Update 11.1.

I changed the size of that field using the instructions I provided to you, setting the fixed size to 85.

@K2DesignLab It seems that the API response has changed with the release of the latest release of covid19.trackercli.com. This caused quite some changes to be needed on my side. See the enclosed file for my config. K2 CoronaVirus_MrBoogiee.bttpreset (565.4 KB)

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Thanks for working on this. GREAT WORK! I too was working on these updates. Be sure you change the URL. Changes have been made with the URL as well, I will push an update with that as well. (https://covid19-cli.wareneutron.com)

UPDATE posted to OP.

I've been using this preset for a while now.

I live in New Zealand, and we don't get covid cases anymore, but we still get people that fly in from overseas and spend 2 weeks in quarantine that have corona. can there be a way to distinguish between community cases and cases in lockdown?


also can we get the quick facts stats from the left side of the Coronavirus Dashboard website please? maybe when you press the global cases on the touchbar, that can open a new group with the quick facts?

Data is not provided by the Coronavirus dashboard, but I can look into adding something like that. Community cases are not a value recorded that I can tell. I will look into it further. Like you said, we all hope we are on the home stretch and the need for this preset will no longer exist.

I have created a bunch of other presets for personal use. I may release them without support.

Pi-Star Admin tools
Torrent Interface
Stock tickers
Time Machine Backup Control
Phone call logs
Sports Schedules/Scores and notifications
Ping and other network monitor widgets
Weather and storm maps using Dark Sky

awesome!!! thanks

any updates?

There is an issue with macOS 12. Maybe its a BTT problem but if I open the Covid-19 Stats the Text disappears after a second and just the Numbers stay.

Im not running MacOS 12 (BETA). Once final is released and available I will test it out.

It is always showing 0 cases today and 0 deaths today for every country i set. Can we fix that?

What country have you set? Have you tried "USA"? I have not tested every country code, and know that some countries do not publish these values or often miss weeks of current values.

I was trying with BGN AND GR but it didnt load today data. When i add USA its working. So its due to the fact that these countriws do not publish these values. In greece we have a site Ημερήσια Επισκόπηση | CoVid19.gov.gr in witch every day cases seem to be published . Is there any way that you cant implement this to work with this data?

Not sure if that site offers API access to the data, so if you want to investigate/research that and find out if access is granted to use this data, I can see about adding that source.