A Hyper Key binds a key to CMD+OPT+ALT+WIN from what I understood from the docs. This is not quite what I wanted because it somehow limits the capabilities of caps lock. Let me give you a specific example:
if I want to jump a whole word like with ALT+ARROW RIGHT I would have to bind
this will not work as caps lock according to the docs already is a hyper key and includes the alt key press.
I tried implementing this with the docs you provided but to no avail. Could you please provide a screenshot of how it should look like?
I am not a power user and I am not trying to be rude, but if I'm missing the point, there's probably someone else out there as well that's trying to get this figured out.
Basically what I'm trying to do is navigate with CAPS LOCK + W/A/S/D as if with arrow keys. Also I want to jump words with CAPS LOCK + OPT + A/D.
It does not show it, but now „caps lock“ is the new physical „right control“ key, which you don't have on your MacBook keyboard. The „left control“ key remains what it was.
Create the global shortcut "right control + j" to open your calendar. Use the „caps lock“ key (= right control) and activate the distinction between left and right modifier.
That's it. The shortcut "caps lock/right control + j" now opens your calendar from any app. Should an app use "control + j" for itself, this shortcut remains untouched, with the normal „left control“ key. I have never experienced conflicts. Of course this is only a suggestion from another user. You can decide for yourself if it works for you.
It worked like charm. Very cleverly thought and thank you for taking your time to contribute to this topic.
Although this works well on my laptop, I also have an external keyboard which I use when I have it docked and it does not work with the caps lock on my external keyboard somehow. The rebinding from the System Preferences only works with the laptop's keyboard.
I tried this a little bit more, and experimented around with your solution, Frank1. This seems to get very buggy and most of the time the command does not even run when I press the caps lock key: for example CAPS LOCK + TAB to scroll through tabs does not work, even though it should act like CTRL.
It might also be because of my laptop. But anyways, for my case this is not a viable option.