Work in progress and alpha features

I think that the “Config” column has too much going on in the new UI. It shows the modifier keys for trackpad shortcuts, it shows an icon for disabled shortcuts, it shows the notes (starting with the word “Notes:”), and maybe other things that I haven’t discovered yet.

I would much prefer to have “Notes” as a separate column, all the way on the right-hand side (actually, I wish the columns could be rearranged manually). Some of my notes are quite long, and to prevent wrap-around from making the rows extra tall, I would rather make a wide column for the notes on the right than on the left.

Also, I’m a little confused why the modifier keys for trackpad shortcuts are shown in a different column than the shortcut itself.

It happens for any group, both app or CA. As long as the CS widget is set to swap and the user activates a swapping group, this is the behaviour.

Edit: on the latest beta it does the residual button’s action a split second after updating the button to the right one. Used to need to tap it once, see it update, tap it again. I think it just needs to be updated more properly, when the group changes instead of when the uer touches.

Suggestions for the previous comment:
Rename config column to “visible” or something familliar.

Have a non-truncated notes column and side scrolling.

So in your case the CAs never activate the control strip widget correctly? That's very weird as it seems to work fine for the few I'm using :-/ Can I reproduce this with the current AquaTouch?

Honestly I'm currently quite happy with the config column, in case you want to have the notes in a separate column you can check the "notes instead of description" box.

Yeah, more like any app/CAG (we should give those two a name :sweat_smile:) switch doesn’t update the CSwidget properly. The old one resides.

Current AQT should do it, Can’t see why not.
Open a sticky (because thats a full set), close BTT bar in stickies (hold apps button or quick tap fn to close) then go to finder.

Icon should change to an A symbol

Another one is head to a youtube or google sheets/docs in safari. The icon should change to the web icon when you activate the tab. See what happens when you click between this and the desktop.

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Quick update on something else:
Today I almost finished support for native BTT plugins. This means any Swift or Objective-C developer can easily create Touch Bar widgets that can be shown using BTT. This will allow for all sort of custom rendering and cool functionality.

I'll post an example plugin and documentation to Github soon.

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BTT 3.086 alpha (will be available in ~30min) now supports native Touch Bar plugins.

If anybody wants to try it, here is a repository that contains 3 example plugins:

BTT 3.091 (which is now also slowly being rolled out to all users):

  • Possibility to set a fixed position for floating web views. I have some cool stuff for this in mind - blog post will follow soon.
  • Option to globally enable haptic feedback for the Touch Bar (even if BTT bar is hidden) in the advanced Touch Bar settings
  • Various changes to how the control strip icon behaves by default (can be changed to the old behavior in the settings).
  • Fixed an issue with custom move & resize action

Here is a super simple example using the floating web views as dashboard replacement (requires 3.093). I think this could become quite nice. (show with cmd+shift+x)

References to the widgets used:

Would be great if we could stick these onto the desktop, behind the files!

See "NerdTool" for this.

Good idea, that's easy to add.

3.097 adds the "Stick to Desktop" setting for floating webviews - and I love it. It can be used in combination with the "Shwo Desktop" action like this:

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Possibly add a new “HTML widgets” section in the input metthods! people will really go crazy with this.

  • Desktop widgets
  • BTT Dashboard widgets
  • app-specific widgets (like touchbar but instead shows/hides html widgets when an app is running)

Note: I haven’t tried your new feature so i’m not sure about details, but NerdTool sticks it on the desktop as if it was a sticker. The widgets go behind desktop files and don’t have window borders, I recommend you check it out if you haven’t already. Another example is rainmeter for PCs!

do you know whether nerd tool allows interaction with the widgets? macOS seems to disable the contents of a window if I stick it behind the icons, thus it's currently above the desktop icons - but maybe there is a workaround.

The floating webview action already allows to enable / disable the window borders .

hm, i don't think it does, even so, i think it'll still have many uses.

I'll just add an option to choose whether it shall be behind the desktop icons (non-interactable) or one layer above the desktop icons (interactable) :slight_smile:

This is very interesting. I've never actually made my own swift project before - would the functionality currently available help improve the performance or energy efficiency of my preset at all? I would be very interested in steadily replacing it with a plugin if this is a more energy-friendly solution.

it most definitely would, but then again it may be overkill for some things. Can you maybe list a few items that have regularly running Apple Scripts?

Here is a list of most of the scripts that currently run every 2s (the minimum in my preset):

  • Dock badges
  • Dynamic refresh/new tab buttons (set of 4 separate script widgets)
  • iTunes/ buttons
    • Download/Add to Library button
    • Love/Dislike buttons
    • Repeat
    • Shuffle
    • Show in iTunes/Music
  • Do Not Disturb toggle
  • Dark Mode toggle
  • Caffeinate toggle
  • Wifi toggle
  • Bluetooth toggle
  • Volume mute button
  • Volume indicator
  • Microphone mute button
  • All Bluetooth connect widgets
    • Connect to AirPods
    • Connect to Beats
    • Connect to Bose
    • Connect to Gamepad
  • Battery indicator
  • More inside various widget groups, some repeats of these, etc.

I guess the ultimate goal is to eliminate all applescripts because they are the energy hogs. Alone any one of these is harmless, but they all add up to an average energy usage of around 8 or 9, which is the same as if Spotlight were constantly indexing.

Question @Andreas_Hegenberg, you had also been talking about a native calendar solution. Any details regarding this?
Asking because I wanted to rewrite my iCallBuddy Widgets (currently Apple Script based with Shell parts) in Shell exclusively (for speed and energy reasons), but if you tell me that this will come in the next days or so I might not to have to do this and focus on other stuff.

not in the next few days (it's a lot of code as all the calendar stuff is complicated and I have not yet continued work on this :-))

So more like 4-8weeks eta

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