[v1.0.2] Better-Touch BTT. For the Preset Pros.


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Downloaded and installed for the edge escape design. Really nice solution to the problem of the default position of the esc key. I didn't even realize the far left was touch-able even w/o the display.

I think I'll actually be able to use the escape without (as much) frustration now. That muscle memory has been learned over a lifetime, and not easily updated. Now I don't have to. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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Also note that if you tap that area it'll snap to the first button. Apple's native escape key is still tappable in that area.

I didn't realize that. Something about yours feels more responsive. Maybe it's the psychological effect of the better positioning. :slight_smile:

Striving for Good Design!

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Hey, I've started working on an editing preset for the new UI.
There is a toggle for emulating the currently active app, for which the UUID needs to be updated in the scripts that refresh the widget.

Nice idea! I allowed myself to add your work to mine and get the best out of both of them!

BTT Group.json (429.9 KB)
Triggers.json (591 Bytes)
The Triggers contains only the command to check for updates.


can u share this preset with us ?

How do we add that preset to our BTT? @Caliguvara