Trigger different behaviors on double and triple clicks with same modifier.


From this post : Triple Click vs. Double Click

It seems that what I want to achieve seems impossible but I still think asking might be worth it.

I would like to have :

  • "option + double left click" to make the window under the mouse half of the screen (left or right depending on mouse position)
  • "option + triple left click" to make the window under the mouse a third of the screen (again side depends on mouse position)

Here is what I have made so far for the right side but triple click seems to trigger both and the window being resized to half the screen seems to take precedence.

By the way, the "double" and "triple" click triggers are labelled with a duplicate in their name.

Thanks in advance for your help,

It is tricky, you would need to do it like this:

Double click triggers a named delayed action execution after something like 0.2 seconds.
Triple click cancels that delayed execution.

Have a look at this:

double_triple.bttpreset (6.1 KB)

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Nice, that's useful. Unfortunately, BTT does not seem to block the predefined action of an app. So it triggers both actions. But I can change the modifier, all good. :smiley:

you probably would need to block the single click as well, but them you couldn’t do opt+click in the app anymore

Using Fn instead of opt is perfect. None of my apps have predefined actions with this combination. At least, none that I know of so far.

Thanks, for your quick answer, it works like a charm !

I will see if I should change the modifier between Option or Fn.

I added percent_x_hovered_win_btm_left conditions. (<=33 ; >33 & <=66 ; >66)
Here is what I have now :

Modifier + Double click :

  • on left of hovered window -> Maximize left half
  • on middle of hovered window -> Maximize
  • on right of hovered window -> Maximize right half

Modifier + Triple click :

  • on left of hovered window -> Resize to left third
  • on middle of hovered window -> Resize to middle third
  • on right of hovered window -> Resize to right third

It feels really cool (maybe even better than what I used to have with XFCE)

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