Simple Window Manager - SWM

@Vexir you can change keyboard shortcut from
BTT > Keyboard Shortcuts > :traffic_light: SWM Popup Window > Change it from right panel

No SWM doesnt update automatically. SWM keeps dynamic settings on updates but not guaranteed. But you have to re configure static settings(Prefs.js in preset folder) on uptades. Its minor issue since there is not too much settings and i release 3-4 updates in a year

I added drag feature to next release. I'm planning to share soon but not too soon :slight_smile:

Got it. How do I check the version to see if I need an update?

Having an issue here. Odd things are happening to my external mouse, regardless of which mouse I'm using. At first the left and right clicks were switched, then after I restarted my machine, scroll down minimizes windows and scroll up toggles between maximizing them and unmaximizing. There is no configuration I've ever set up to make this happen. Then I looked at Recently Used and found that SWM is doing it??

Edit: Ignore. Found the issue - it's actually hilarious.

@Vexir glad to fixed that. you can check current version of swm from topic tags

sort all topic by views to find swm topic easily

Ah I meant how do I check the version of SWM that I have downloaded?

@Vexir definitely its not user friendly. but you can check from Pref.js file
Open SWM > press P to open preset folder

I will add a dialog to show swm version with V key that should be easier