Set text size in HUD overlay

Would it be possible to free the size in the lines of the HUD overlay?
Please :slightly_smiling_face:

+1 for styling in general!


It would be good to change size of font, and/or change size of HUD ovelay, as sometimes text does't fit well

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Hi everybody
I have done a Floating Web View that closes automatically and I am using it instead of HUD Overlay.
It's useful because you can change font size, font attributes, colors, everything.

I have shared the code here:

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I want this:

  • title text font (family / color / weight)
  • detail text font (family / color / weight)
  • border (color / width)
  • HUD size (width / height)
  • HUD animation (fadein time / fadeout time / display time)

I like the idea of pep, but I think that it cannot be used as a HUD because the active window will switch in WebView.