June 7, 2018, 7:51am
Hi, is there an option to define an action that'll trigger when i move the mouse to the specific point? I mean, just like you can trigger dock visibility when its auto hidden, you can unreveal it by going to the edge with mouse. Is creating similar action(or trigger, I don't know how to call the "action listeners") possible in BTT?
February 13, 2019, 8:00pm
Hey, I'm also interested in this, and it seems like it's been long enough that it's worth expressing a +1.
I agree! I would LOVE these two triggers to be added:
"Move Mouse To Left Edge Of Screen"
"Move Mouse To Right Edge Of Screen"
There are a few similar requests on the forums:
I think the "move mouse to top/bottom/left/right edge of screen" triggers could be greatly improved by incorporating simple gestures into them.
I get a lot of use from the "move mouse to corner" triggers, as they are incredibly quick and easy to hit. Although the "move mouse to edge of screen" triggers are very accessible, I don't think they're very useful (at least not without using modifier keys) as hitting the screen edges through normal use is such a common thing in normal use, especially w…
Hello, first post. I would like to request a trigger for "move mouse to the right edge of screen" please. This would be similar to the existing top, bottom, and corner triggers, but I find it easier to quickly whip my wrist right or left and hit the edge of the screen instead.
Please let me know if this is already possible, and if not, is there a particular reason why it wasn't added? What is the likelihood of it being added in the near future? @Andreas_Hegenberg
Thanks in advance!