Right Option and Right CMD Key On Macbook Pro Overide All Apps (Left Keys Working As Before

Before bug reporting, please make sure you have tried the latest (alpha) version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-).

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Right Option Ley and Right CMD Key On Macbook Pro Override All Apps (Left Keys Working As Before).

This means that when I'm in Adobe Illustrator (or any software at all) and I CAN NOT use either Option Key or CMD keys on the right side.

NOTE: I can do it on the left, but that's not what I've been using for 10 years and don't use the keys on that side the same way. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE HELP

I'm excited to use this app for my trackpad, just most of clicked on the wrong thing and got this override setting and can't get it back to my factory settings with these key strokes.

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.): Keys

Overrides the Option Key and the CMD key on all software. Need it back to original settings so that My right Option and CMD work as they used to especially for Illustrator, but it effects everything on my computer!! It just overwrites the original uses of these keys.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. (You can just paste or drag them here)

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: Macbook Pro
  • macOS version: Sonoma Version 14.1.2
  • BetterTouchTool version: (please post the exact version - not just "the latest one"):

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):
I deleted the app and reinstalled it. Didn't help . I rebooted, didn't help.

Did this to reinstate before deleting and reinstalling.

BTT can only override modifier keys via the Key Sequences feature. So probably just delete any sequence you have created there: