Option to have app switcher open app windows on tap if one is not visible or minimized

From the GC-BTT thread - I always thought it was a bug that prevented the apps from opening new windows or restoring minimized windows, but it seems to be an intentional functionality choice to match the behavior of the built-in cmd+tab switcher.

I don't think the precise behavior works as well on the Touch Bar and would love the option to have the switcher open a new a window if the app has none open, or restore the primary open window if it is minimized.

Yes please, solve it.

Also when the window is closed using Ctrl-H key, the application is no longer visible in the App Switcher Widget. And if the window is minimized don't will open if selected in App Switcher Widget.

It's really frustrating.

It feels like all those are working - maybe close this ticket?