New BetterTouchTool UI Progress

Not feeling as much hassles as before!

Having visibility issues for colours that are similar to the background:

Apple seems to put a faint white 1px inner outline around the colours except black:

A bit more edge paddings would also be a bit better. It's a bit to edgy right now, revise the spacings.

I also agree that recents should be at the top, In this scenario we'd be setting our own theme colors unlike the iWork suite which let's you start with a template, so recents at the top seems more 'natural'.


Adding triggers is a bit finicky right now, I just got an idea that may make it a bit less 'within hidden menus'. Take it or leave it, up to you, but I think this just might work pretty well.

You'd stick the add trigger palette into the actions column, which is always there. When you click an action it'll add it in as an action.

Additional Details:
Resizable height

Rough Concept, Looks not refined. Was just a quick 'sketch':

jup, that's also a concept I thought about! I will consider this in the future. I think it will need to be a bit different, but using that column for action selection will probably work well.

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Would also be great to have the action setup within their cells instead of changing the config column, but thats a big task and you've probably heard that from me a heap already :wink:

yeah this is quite difficult to integrate and probably won't be added :slight_smile: I think it would also limit my future flexibility. The side bar is just very easy and extensible :slight_smile:

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Looks like the "Hide if no player is running" option for the now playing widget broke in 2.850. I actually think it broke in an earlier build. The setting won't save and is ignored.

Also, can BTT remember the proportions of my columns? I've been editing the AppleScript in the columns because the floating window doesn't offer any benefits over the sidebar and is possibly even worse because it's always above other windows. But the default width is way too narrow to make this practical.

Additionally, BTT continues to crash when I use undo!


Actually, shortcuts for Search and New Folder would be super cool too :innocent:

@GoldenChaos 2.851 adds auto-save of column sizes (wasn't woking due to a macOS bug but I found a workaround), it should also fix the apple script undo as far as I can tell.

@Caliguvara 2.851 also adds separate shortcuts for add new action and add new trigger


Can confirm column sizes are saved now!

Getting smoother by the update!

Iffy Dark Mode:

  • when adding a trigger using the big add button
  • if: 1. Column view, light mode / 2. Switch to table vw, on light mode / 3. on table view, switch to dark mode / 4. back to column view, the actions column is still in light mode theme.
  • Hidden icons are low contrast on dark mode

  • Would be good if these were fixed (use icons, swap them + -)

Also, I think adding back all right click options from the previous UI would be good, with more concise language of course. I used these a lot as they worked with less mouse and eye movement. Including in the:

  • Apps / Activation Groups panel
  • Trigger Panel

Would be great to have 'Copy Action ID for Scripting' right click option for actions!

Is it possible to put the used icons in the same column as the tick?

@Andreas_Hegenberg, the leftmost column is having the same 'shifting 100px down' issue when I update an icon for a conditional activation group.

Unfortunately for CAGs my workaround won't work. However I have reported the bug that leads to this to Apple. At least editing CAGs is not done as often as editing triggers :slight_smile:

Currently I can't move the "used icons" to the left, however I plan to create custom menu cells eventually.

For the "Copy Action ID" do you really need the action ID? Are you triggering actions directly using Apple Script?


Yes in some cases I do, e.g. checking something before doing the action

extra request (are these tiring? lol sorry):
would also be good if the hex color appeared on recent colors on mouse over. Don’t know if non-technical users will find this confusing or not so make it an option..

Is there a page of release notes for these updates?

Just had an issue yesterday. Partially "my fault". I copied a Group, and pasted it to the BTT remote section on accident (nothing showed up). After that process my BTT Touch Bar groups were a mess. Multiple restarts didn't help restore them. Many groups were just listing all blank buttons/actions. Had to restore from earlier preset backup I saved.

Can i see the BTT data in iCloud or does it only sync in the background? I turned the function on, but til now there no data on iCloud.

iCloud stores such app specific sync stuff in an invisible container ( I need to look up how to access that)

//edit: it can not be accessed via Finder, but terminal will show the data when going to this folder:
~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~hegenberg~BetterTouchTool/com.mentalfaculty.ensembles.clouddata

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Gesture Stickers Complete!

BTT Gesture Stickers (648.1 KB)


  • Bodymovin JSON Exports
  • The AfterEffects File that these were all made in
  • Device images with their white background removed, shadows preserved. Both White and Space Grey versions.

Things to make sure:

  • Always scale them all the same amount if they're too big. Make sure they are sized consistently.
  • Time them well
  • If cropping the device images, make sure not to crop the shadow
  • If using multiple slide stickers, offset their position to better represent the hand and fingers. Never put them in a grid pattern. (e.g. the 3F drag shown in video, or e.g. for 4F drag up, you’d follow the heights of the fingers.) If its placed in a grid, it’ll look uncomfortable to trigger.
  • Don’t overlap anything
  • Make sure the tracks / circles stay visible, don’t fade them out once the animation finishes. The tracks / circles are meant to remain while the touch guide loops inside it.

@Andreas_Hegenberg, Have fun implementing the new gesture display!
Hope you like these, put a lot of work, time and attention to detail into them!

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Looking great! (This will still be a lot of work to integrate nicely, so I think it's realistic to expect it in 2-3 weeks :-))

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Would love the ability to increase or decrease the Icon Padding between Icon and text on buttons. I try to use the "Extra Space (Inside)" setting, but that doesn't offer the flexibility required for most situations and what im trying to design.

For now I insert a bunch of spaces...

So I can add spaces to decrease the space between icon and Text Label? yeah... that's what I thought... LOL.