New BetterTouchTool UI Progress

Could you make the Config Column in the List view more re-sizable? Would like to make it much smaller (more narrow).

And just a quick note for the entire Interface. For those options and changes that require a restart or closure of interface to see the changes. A popup message/notification might be helpful. Im use to restarting or closing UI to see changes, but many will not.

I lowered the min-width of the side bar to 180 in v2.836 (will be online in a few minutes)

You are the greatest! Anything else we should focus debugging efforts on?

I can't reproduce the add-button issue yet, if you can find any pattern as to when it causes problems that would be great!

Id say minimum should be MUCH smaller. Like 30-50. Look at all this wasted space I'm trying to shrink the size so make room for popup color picker and still be able to view a row of desktop icons . Its fine, but I would allow people to shrink it own to almost nothing.

My screen...

Ah now I understand what you meant :slight_smile: I thought you wanted the right configuration side-bar smaller.

The config col in the list view itself will become more resizable soon. Problem is that in some cases it needs to show up to 5 icons.

It needs to show icons? To me, those icons are only usable when im actually looking for them, otherwise, I could hide that entire column. See why I wanted the option to add color picker part of UI (Like every adobe app or other dev. apps)

Mh I like the default Apple color picker and don't want to roll my own currently :slight_smile:
However I might add something like this: which remembers the last used colors.

The icons e.g. show the visibility state and which modifier keys are required. I think they are very important to show.

I like the default as well. You should be able to just pull that color picker into a space? I seem to remember coding an app with built in Mac OS Color Picker View.

No, that's not possible as far as I know unfortunately.

Hmmm... The ability to assign like 10+ colors as a default set (Preset Theme Colors). Id say this preset im working on has maybe 15 colors total, with 5 being used throughout. Might be nice to have that list of colors available at each color value in the configuration window. These values stored for later no matter what we choose. Probably need a button for color picker so it does or doesn't open for selection.

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I'd do it more like in pages (although setting colors in pages is also very weird, but that's because the color wheel doesn't work nicely).

Looks great to me. Since im mostly just picking from a small group of saved colors for the most part. What about just puling the saved colors from the default saved colors in the picker? Those values have to be stored somewhere.

They are not accessible, but maybe they are available via some private api, I'll have a look at that.

Color is such a large part of the TouchBar preset, seems like some integration should be in the future if you can.

v. 2.839 - Nice work on the column resizing. I like the arrow at the beginning of that config column in list view. Just reclaimed my desktop! Don't like the "eyecon" for non-visible. I like it being there, just doesn't look "Pro".

Im just getting picky now, but im not invested in this! :smile:

How about this?

If you like...

ah sorry the arrow at the beginning is actually a bug, it needs to be in the trigger name colum otherwise it'll conflict with the preset indicator.

Ah the eye icon in dark mode looks a bit too extreme, I'll try something else. Problem is it needs to work when the row is selected too, because I currently can't easily invert it there.

2.843 should improve perceived responsiveness a lot, especially when browsing presets with many Apple Scripts.

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Couple of bugs here:

Multi-Editing visual separators doesn't work.

Also suggest adding options:
[:heavy_check_mark:] Use alternate dark mode colours
[:art:] Background Color
[:art:] Text Color

Opacity also needs to be increased. There seems to be some kind of set opacity for the text which is making it hard to read. e.g. black isn't getting 100% black

Bug 2:
I am able to drag a conditional activation group into the triggers column for some reason. This shouldn't be possible

I never noticed any lag when browsing preset. The updates are looking VERY polished in Dark mode!

One request... Could you make the UI save column width/position. Now that I can size these to fit my workflow, be nice if all the columns in "LIST" view would stay put after restart. Obviously not a bug fix or important request, but if you could add it to the bottom of your list?