Move & Resize Window not working in MS Excel for Mac in Better Snap Tool
Note: Before bug reporting, please make sure you have tried the latest (alpha) version of BetterTouchTool and that you have already tried to restart your system :-). If you encounter a crash, please attach a crash log from the macOS from the "User Diagnostic Reports" section.
Describe the bug
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Recording permission was given at the time of installtion
I have noticed one thing
If I click window Title bar once then Move and resize action happens . This is required to be done every time
I am using IMac 27 , IMac 24 M1 and MacBook Pro 16
OS is 12.0 Monterrey .
BTT version is 1.9.5
This issue is observed for more than 1 year and in all OS X, right from Catalina , Big Sur and now Monterey