„Menu Action Bar“ does not work

Nein, sorry, war nur ein kurzer Zufall

weird, looks all good. Is maybe something using a lot of cpu right now? (> 80%)

I don't think so. Why does it work in version 91?

are you sure it still does ?

I check

Yes, very fluid in 91, hmm?

Konsole 91

weird, did something in your configuration change since 91? (BTT will load the old config when using an older build)

I currently can’t think of any change that would influence this, but I’m trying to reproduce it.

Habe nochmals hin und her gewechselt: 91 perfekt, 94 Fehler.
Im Moment kann ich damit leben. Vielleicht geht es wieder mit einer späteren Version :slight_smile:

if possible, could you go to help -> export diagnostic debug info (in the menubar of the newest build of BTT) and send the result to me? (andreas@folivora.ai)

Sure. Do you mean in "Konfiguration"? Can't find "export diagnostic debug info"

I’m not at my computer right now but it should be in the help menu in the main menubar after opening BTT preferences

Informationen und Logs zur Problembehandlung exportieren?


:+1: schon bei dir. Danke!

I found two issues in your debug data.
One issue I could fix in the alpha I just uploaded.

One other issue is in your configuration. You have set the two finger swipe sensitivity to a very low value. This causes issues, you should try to set it to a higher value (something like 0,2 should be OK)

YESSSS! The new Version and two finger swipe sensitivity to 0,2 works perfekt! Thank you very much!

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Did you notice that die Icons in the Notch bar and the „normale Menüleisten Status Elemente“ look completely different?

Example, both in dark mode:
Icons from left to wright: BTT, Vivaldi, YouTube, MacJournal

Notch bar

„Menüleisten Status Elemente“

Do you agree, that die original looks better?

Bug or intention? :slight_smile:

Ah they are inverted. Forgot to turn off an option I was playing with :slight_smile:, will be fixed with the next update.

:+1: thanks