macOS Control Center - MCC


1- Open Console App then click User Reports in sidebar
Right click to BetterTouchTool related files then select reveal in finder and collect all in a folder

2- Open BetterTouchTool then select Help > Export Diagnostic Debug Information to Desktop from menubar

share all files with mail, thanks for help

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The calculator button doesn't work. When I click the icon nothing happens even if I already have the calculator app open.
I'm currently on Maccos Big Surr with the newest version of MCC.

Hello all,

bad news, im not developing MCC anymore

good news, im developing a new preset as menubar app to complete missing features of control center. i will release it after some testing. its about to finish and all functional. i will release within next weeks. here is a preview

you can follow progress of new preset from this topic

@RockFrog i was removed calculator shortcut from new app, but i will add again with fix

Hi yw4z!

Just letting you know that I've borrowed some of your pretty amazing applescript code to fix some of AquaTouch's controls. (night shift, true tone, bluetooth)

Is this alright with you? I've credited you and your preset in code comments.

While I was doing that I found out that your DND code wasn't working too, and I have no idea how to fix it!

it's ok mate, appreciated credit

i was used btt predefined action 200 in preset on my last build but didnt release it.

i tested it on big sur but its not working @Andreas_Hegenberg

tested my previous applescripts for DND but all not worked
i guess they changed code after big sur. and they changed again on monterey reddit link

so i wrote a new one probably it will work big sur and later. maybe it will work on previous versions too if you use main monitor resolution instead of clock position
option + click notifications icon toggles DND on catalina & mojave
option + click clock text toggles DND on big sur & monterey

but it will not work if user uses a custom clock app

tell application "System Events" to tell process "ControlCenter" to tell menu bar item "Clock" of menu bar 1 to set {sX, sY} to position -- gets position of clock

set p to "{" & (round (sX + 20)) & ", " & (round (sY + 10)) & "}"

tell application "BetterTouchTool"

trigger_action "{"BTTPredefinedActionType":154}" -- save mouse position

trigger_action "{"BTTPredefinedActionType":153,"BTTMoveMouseToPosition":"" & p & ""}" --move cursor to clock

delay 0.1

trigger_action "{"BTTPredefinedActionType":88}" -- click with option

delay 0.1

trigger_action "{"BTTPredefinedActionType":155}" -- restore mouse position

end tell

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my DND action is working, but my icon display isn't.

im just using the standard BTT action.

yep i tried btt action now its works

i guess this will work for big sur & monterey & mojave

if (system version of (system info)) > 10 then --check OS version

-- will work on big sur & monterey

if (text -3 thru -4 of (do shell script "defaults read dnd_prefs -data")) is "7c" then

return 0


return 1

end if


-- didnt tested backward compability, but it was worked on mojave

return ((current application's NSUserDefaults's alloc()'s initWithSuiteName:"")'s boolForKey:"doNotDisturb") as integer

end if