macOS Control Center - MCC

Finally have some time to finish this release after a nightmare month

Updated first post with 0.7 release


  • New - Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icons are dynamic with new icons

  • New - Toggle; Remind Me!: This toggle shows a dialog and asks what you need to remember. writing "325 Call Steve" will add "Call Steve" reminder for 325 minutes later on macOS reminders app. You can use up to 3 digits for minutes on first section before space. You don't have to describe a task after space if you dont have one, writing only 15 will remind with "Hey! Here is your Reminder!" title. Remind Me script automatically disables Do Not Disturb. Don't forget to enable notifications for reminders in settings. Right click on button opens Reminder App. Also you can see your reminder and can be notified from your iphone if you enabled icloud account for reminders

  • New - Settings icon for control center, right click opens macOS settings, also right click on apple icon for settings pane still works

  • New - Auto close feature. it closes Control Center window when mouse leaves

  • New - Experimental scroll feature added to settings pane. Scrolling with non apple mouse wheel working with this feature. it has lag but working better than before, any helps are welcome on improving DetectScrollInput() function. Higher DeltaY values causing lag but couldnt find a way to limit that. also Control Center frezing when you do quick swipe gestures

  • Improvement - Right click on volume slider mute / unmute now instead of set volume to 0

  • Improvement - More keyboard shortcuts for Control Center. Shortcut list is on first post

  • Improvement - NativeDisplayBrightness app changed with MonitorControl. its frequently updated app better for next releases

  • Fixed - Applescripts launchs faster in this release again

  • Fixed - Reduced CPU usage on start, compared %25 to %10. Using repainting with javascript instead of css injecting fixed this. Dark Grey, Light Grey & Contrast Orange uses less CPU compared to other appearances

  • Improvement - Control Center uses bettertouchtool to show notifications for Color Picker, don't forget to enable notifications settings for bettertouchtool

  • Known Issues - Control Center frezing when you do quick swipe gestures or mouse scrolls. It also related with BTT gesture sensivity settings

  • Known Issues - Copy paste not working on applescripts with dialog box (Remind Me and Color Picker). it can be solve with using app bundles instead of applescript files but i didnt add app bundles to releases because of privacy concerns, i want to keep all code open source. If you need copy-paste functions on these scripts save applescript files as app bundle then change file name in html file

  • Updated future plans

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Hello there, great work I have to say!
One small little problem I have: The web view window is not transparent? I attached a screenshot. Using macOS 10.13.6 and BTT 3.402
And one little neat idea: Scroll with the mouse on brightness/volume control to adjust them (like on YouTube on the volume slider)

Best, Gabriel

@CodeBrauer thanks for comment,

are you using latest version of control center? can you enable then restart btt and disable again this setting, maybe this one is btt bug,

which mac model do you use ? wireless and bluetooth icon looks like not working

can you post result of this script, so i can improve support on next releases
do shell script "networksetup -listallhardwareports"

scrolling on sliders already on future plans on first post :wink:

any way to stop BTT from crashing when this is being used with AQT

@Future_Face did it worked before? maybe now playing feature causing crash

can you delete this lines from html file

async function BTTNotification(note){
console.log("received BTT notification", JSON.parse(note));

and this line from BTTInitialize() function

await NowPlaying()

lol, couldn't find it. could u be more specific pls?

@Future_Face open mcc settings then click open preset folder. edit mcc.html file. i use brackets app to edit html files. also you can use cmd+f to find these lines in brackets

i edited this one, you can easily replace in preset folder. don't forget to backup old one

MCC.html (71.4 KB)

restart btt after replacement

Hello yw4z, thanks for your fast response.

I enabled/disabled the checkbox and restarted during this action. Sadly the bug is still there. Same bug occurs on the other extension from you for window management (SWM).

I am using an iMac End 2012 27" (Intel Core i5-3470S, 16GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660M 512 MB, OS X 10.13.6)

Here the script result:
➜ networksetup -listallhardwareports

Hardware Port: Ethernet
Device: en0
Ethernet Address: 10:dd:b1:b8:bd:b0

Hardware Port: Wi-Fi
Device: en1
Ethernet Address: 8c:2d:aa:56:c3:20

Hardware Port: Bluetooth PAN
Device: en4
Ethernet Address: 8c:2d:aa:56:c4:2c

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 1
Device: en2
Ethernet Address: 32:00:10:b3:36:20

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt 2
Device: en3
Ethernet Address: 32:00:10:b3:36:21

Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Bridge
Device: bridge0
Ethernet Address: 32:00:10:b3:36:21

VLAN Configurations

@CodeBrauer thanks for submitting result, you can delete ehernet adresses if you have privacy concerns, i need to write a script to recognize which device using which port,
does your bluetooth toggle working ?

if you can edit html file

var wrs = await ShellScript(`networksetup -getairportnetwork en0`)

var sc = 'networksetup -setairportpower en0',WDisable = sc+' off',WEnable = sc+' on'

changing these 2 lines to

var wrs = await ShellScript(`networksetup -getairportnetwork en1`)

var sc = 'networksetup -setairportpower en1',WDisable = sc+' off',WEnable = sc+' on'

should fix wireless toggle, i will add a setting for selecting which device to toggle on next releases

webview is not applying clear background css on some setups, its same with mcc and swm related post

will attempt later if you still need, though im not very good at finding my way around code...

@Future_Face dont be hurry :slight_smile: i shared edited file on previous post, you don't have to edit code, just replace file and don't forget to backup original one, replace back original if will not work. let me know if this will work

this download didn't work—you've put it as a .html file

click this folder icon in bettertouchtool then replace file, thanks for your help, i hope this will fix it, did you try with disabling aqua touch

thanks, but I couldn't even download the edited file that you aired with me, because you shared it with .html

Updated first post with 0.7.1 release


  • New - KEYLIGHT Toggle for Keyboard backlight with increase/decrease buttons.
          Move your cursor to icon for + / - symbols;
          + Increases keyboard backlight with 2 steps,
          Right clicking + increases keyboard backlight brightness to maximum level
          - Decreases keyboard backlight with 2 steps,
          Right clicking - dims keyboard backlight to 0

  • New - MICOFF Toggle for Microphone Mute / Unmute with dynamic icon. Right click opens microphone settings. Some chat apps can change mic level without asking, check icon on for a while before using

  • New - Display Mirroring toggle icon is now dynamic
          Single Display MIRROR / Mirrored Display MIRRORM / Multiple Display MIRRORD

  • New - Swipe / Scroll on sliders to set your volume or brightness level. Working smooth with trackpad but got some lag with mouse scroll

  • New - SIRI Siri icon changed

  • Improvement - Faster load on startup

  • Improvement - Control Center automatically detects primary Wi-Fi device port for older macs that not using en0 port

  • Updated future plans

fyi, I tried doing what you said again, and now it works. thanks!

@Future_Face its great, have fun

@Andreas_Hegenberg multiple requests for now playing from different presets crashing btt. aquatouch and control center couldn't work together until now playing feature disabled on one of them

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weird, do you have a crashreport?

@Future_Face can you share crash report with Andreas, maybe both presets fully working after fix

how do I do that?