I do not have any apps that might conflict with BetterTouchTool I believe. However, I'm sending you the list of installed apps. It might also be relevant: My apps are quite static, did not change in months probably.
PS: Since the issue seems to be different from the ones reported, if you wish I can start another topic for this specific bug report in order to leave this one for you to follow up on the actual issue raised.
Yep, I think a separate thread for the scrolling related problem would be better!
Also, if possible go to the about tab in BTT and click the "export debug information" button. This will create a folder called BetterTouchToolDebug on your Desktop. Would be great if you could send that to andreas@folivora.ai.
Do you have any scrolling related actions configured in the normal mouse tab in BTT?
Just to ping with some news regarding my problem. I've uninstalled BTT (after exporting all I needed) and reinstalled. After reinstalling I found out that the problem was solved before importing any actions. After importing everything the issue seems to be gone. Unless it happens again I think we can mark my issue as solved.
It's now been six days - 144 hours - since I last restarted BTT after installing 533, and with no re-occurrences of the issue I am confident in saying the issue appears fixed for me. This is a whole 24 hours longer than the longest gap between occurrences prior to the fix releases, and 50% longer than the average interval (around 4 days for me). And during this six days I have several times tried a few 'stress tests' - such as repeatably switching back and forth between apps dozens or hundreds of times in a row in an attempt to encourage the issue to occur, if it still existed.
I've now updated to the latest 536. Thanks Andreas for finding the solution!
I have installed the latest version: 2.536 and had gone several days without experiencing a freeze but I just now experienced it again. I have no external input devices connected, only bluetooth headphones. I notice this issue appearing most when 4 finger swiping between full screen apps or cmd + tab between fullscreen apps. In this most recent occurrence I was trying to type in the Messages app after switching fullscreen apps. I exported my debug data as soon as it occurred.
Most likely this is a different issue than the one discussed before. I'd suggest to create a new thread for it because I think for most people in the thread the original issue has been resolved.
It would be great if you could send me that debug info to andreas@folivora.ai (but the most helpful thing would be a process sample as described above)
Has the original freeze bug been fixed? I'm still getting freezes (most recent just froze my pointer for 30+ seconds before I killed BTT)... Please help!
My MacBook Pro has been crashing for the last almost 3 months. I also did a completely fresh install of Mac OS X Mojave this Monday and it kept crashing. And by crashing I mean sudden freezes of my complete Mac with power off after about 15-30 secs. I even brought it to an Apple Store and they tested the hardware with a new test user without anything installed. No hardware issues at all.
Then I found this thread yesterday, closed BTT and no more crashes since then. Weird thing: On another smaller MacBook Pro it's not crashing. I was running 2.641. Could it be that there is still some issue or maybe conflict with another app that BTT has?
Thanks, Andreas, for the quick reply. Apple Store tested it at full CPU and GPU load for 3 days and they said it's perfectly fine. I thought it could be a mainboard issue as well, but they said it's not. Since closing my beloved (congrats by the way) BTT, it didn't happen again. I'll keep you posted. Doing a long term test now. I just wanted to check whether there might be more similar issues. Thanks for now!
In general no app in user space is / should be able to cause a sudden power off. If it's no hardware issue it is most likely some kernel extension you have installed. Can you think of any app or hardware driver you have installed that comes with a kernel extension?
On my freshly installed Mojave system I only have a few popular apps installed: Alfred, BTT, 1Password, iStat Menus, Google Backup & Sync, Things Helper (for Things) Not sure which apps use Kernel Extensions. Can I look them up anywhere? I don't want to steal your time though – appreciate your feedback very much though.
You probably would know if you had any because you need to click the "allow" button in System Preferences while installing such an app. I don't know whether it's possible to get a list anywhere :-/
Just googled it: kextstat | grep -v com.apple
Only Google Filestream asked for it, but I'm not using this on my new system.
Thanks for your time and feedback, Andreas! Appreciate it a lot!
Hey Andreas and to everyone reading this thread, just wanted to let everybody know that I installed my system on a new MBP and no crashes anymore. So I guess it was a hardware error. All fine now.