🎧 K2 AirPod Pro Preset

Ok. Understand. That thing with “move” is Kind of my Problem :-((

Copy/Paste should work, then delete from All apps once you see it working, or disable in All Apps.

ok, will try, but all apps doesn't mean all apps :-))?

I have an issue with the information showed after connected. both AirPods and the case keep showing Not connected. Am I missing a passage in how to install the widget?

Did you select your AirPods from the Named & Other Triggers menu?

Yes I did, in fact I'm able to connect and disconnect with the long press

I am unable to reproduce that issue. What MacBook Pro (year) and OS are you running? Could you try to reboot your MacBook Pro.

MacBook Pro 16" 2019 with Catalina 10.15.5. Of course I did reboot. I'll try to reinstall it over weekend.

Ive seen this before, but reboot fixed it for me.

I haven't update the preset with this icons, but I thought I would share.


May add a new feature for displaying (Possibly changing) the Audio Modes.

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Why is it like this

Looks like you have the battery percent scripts in wrong order, also you may have changed values. Maybe start over.

Should look list this in your config.

I did not touch anything

Check your display order. set them all to the same number. Also be sure you are running the latest BTT Version.

Nothing works it's still like that

Thats strange, looks like you have them in wrong order. and the code is producing correct battery output (missing %) and the case value should be centered.

I would say delete it and re install preset. To many things look visually wrong, colors too.

I deleted and installed a few times and it did not help

Do you know how to change colors and re-order buttons etc. just do it on your end. If it doesn't allow you to re-order, then its your BTT setup or settings. Also check the display order settings for those two script buttons.

Thanks for the help but nothing works it stays that way

show me the code you have for the air pods battery.