🎧 K2 AirPod Pro Preset

Just tried by curiosity (also because @yuuiko launched the other discussion this morning), I totally can reproduce the bug. I think BTT does not overwrite the actions beyond the UI - I set the toggled connection to my AirPods, I delete the haptic feedback action and still get a beachball followed by a haptic feedback! Restart BTT, still vibrates. This is totally a Bug Reports for @Andreas_Hegenberg.

Here is a workaround for @tosbsas:

  1. Go to the Named & Other Triggers section, search for AirPodConnect and delete it
  2. Create a new Reusable Named Trigger, name it f.eg. ToggleAirPods
  3. Add an action Toggle Bluetooth Device Connection, add your AirPods from the dropdown menu
  4. Go back to the Touch Bar section, select the AirPods Connected: Script widget
  5. On the common tab on the right, scroll down until you find nearly at the very bottom the Long Press Action
  6. From the dropdown menu, select the freshly created ToggleAirPods (it should be at the very button)
  7. Enjoy :headphones: