Is there a way to add a triple click action?

I frequently find myself triple-clicking on my Mac as it is convenient to select a line without dragging my fingers. However, I found that there was no shortcut in BetterTouchTool which does that. Does anyone know if there is a workaround?

You can use the "Custom Mouse Buttons & Modifiers" action and select the tripe left click:



I'm not able to find this option. Is it still available? Looking to add triple and quadruple clicks.

Quadruple clicks BTT doesn't support yet, for triple you can use the predefined action "Custom Mouse Buttons & Modifiers" shown in the screenshot above - it is still available.

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, InDesign doesn't recognize the triple click.

Udate FWIW: Adding trigger only while holding function key. Restart. Un-check require function key. Restart. = working gesture. Yay!