GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

@starkninja interesting - I'll check the restore config script and make sure it's not doing any funny business. If you're willing to uninstall/reinstall again, I'd love to know if it's consistent which switches misbehave. I'll absolutely go through and check each individual switch to make sure it's functioning properly before I call anything stable.

Also, in 2.814 and higher, all dock badges are enabled by default since they no longer use much energy at all. :slight_smile: so if you restore to default settings it'll turn all the badges on. This shouldn't impact performance though!

@Bnodas this is in the works along with battery display and other system stats :slight_smile: keep an eye on the upcoming experimental versions! No guarantees but it may make it in before stable, but if not very shortly after.

Hey, so I did a complete uninstall of BTT (used AppCleaner to remove the residual files from the computer).

Here is what I did next:

  1. Reinstall BTT (latest version)

  2. Reinstall your preset GoldenChaos-BTT 2.825 (and didn't use 'apply preexisting settings')

  3. Default preset shows all badges on and match what is being displayed on the TB so good sign.

  4. Configure the preset to my likes manually.

  5. Restart BTT...

  6. The settings panel is still buggy... some switch still appears to be 'off' while they are actually in the TB as I set the first time. e.g. 'volume mute' is off in the settings panel while active on the TB.

So I'm afraid it's not perfect yet... hope that helps though!

edit: grammar

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the dock badges are not working for me. It makes no difference if they're turned on or off. I updated yesterday to 2.825.
Edit: I did a complete removal of the preset version I'd installed before. BTT is installed in the newest version

Can I draw attention to this again? The window snapper key is still not configurable..

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I am so impressed with goldenchaos and BTT. Once my trial ends I'll be buying through your affiliate link. I am having one problem though. I have several calendars that I have access to and I'm trying to limit the Touch Bar to one calendar in particular. I've tried disabling those calendars in the calendar app yet the appointments from the other calendars continue to show up. Any thoughts?

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Donā€™t worry, I havenā€™t forgotten!! Window snapper is going to get a whole polishing phase once Iā€™m done with the battery widget, and Iā€™ll change the keyboard shortcut then.

Hmm, I couldā€™ve sworn disabling calendars in also stopped them from showing up in icalbuddy. But maybe I was mistaken - Iā€™ll test when Iā€™m at a computer. The only way to restrict which calendars show up otherwise is to manually edit the icalbuddy terminal commands inside each calendar widget, which is a total pain, so I really hope Iā€™m not completely wrong here haha.

Can you open the BTT preferences window, go to the ā€œdockā€ group in the leftmost column, and share a screenshot of your window? Thatā€™ll let me know if any of the dock badges might be accidentally turned off.

OK, I have a sneaking suspicion this may be a BTT issue, but I figure best for us lot to work out whether it is before bothering the main dude. SO, I'm one of these crazy nerds who likes to punish their eyes by using my MacBook Pro's display at 1x1 pixel representation, meaning I eschew the Retina mode and make everything 'small', and gain an absolute shedload of screen real estate (which is a boon for music production apps I tell you).

Anyway. This whole time, I thought the Touch Bar's resolution was really poor. Because it seems that if you're using the display at 1:1 pixel representation (this mode is not available by default, one would have to use an app such as SwitchResX or EasyRes to get to it), the Touch Bar's resolution is very visibly reduced. I might hazard a guess that it's half the usual resolution, meaning fonts and icons look blocky and just awful. Now, I thought that's just the way things be ... until I decided to start using my MacBook Pro's display at 2x (Retina) mode. I thought, "woah, the Touch Bar looks amazing!" And indeed, it looks beautiful, with no discernible pixels when sat in a normal position in front of the MacBook Pro.

So. What gives? Is this something to do with BetterTouchTool's rendering engine, and for some reason it renders fonts and icons (so, everything) at half the resolution when the main Mac display is not running in Retina (2x) mode? Is there an easy fix, so I can still have a beautiful, sharp lookin' Touch Bar when I'm using my Mac in 'tiny things, loads of room' mode? And, is this something that affects all of BTT?

Unfortunately I donā€™t think there is a fix for this currently. Iā€™m using the system frameworks to do the rendering, but they behave erratically in the Touch Bar if the display resolution has been modified to not scale at all.

Ah, I should have figured I wasn't the first to notice this. Well, thanks for getting back to me. Perhaps I should just stop punishing my eyes.

you are the second person that encountered this :grinning: (over more than a year). Not many people seem to use this resolution :slight_smile:

Just some issues I saw in the latest version as of this post:

  • Opening for the first time after a fresh install results in a see through window

  • The Show Finder, AirDrop options donā€™t highlight in blue to show selected option

  • All third party dock badges seem to be on by default? Is this correct?

  • This seems to be a BTT limitation. @Andreas_Hegenberg is there any way to style this loading period so it doesn't look so out of place?
  • Highlight in blue? Not sure what you mean here. Do you mean the switches aren't working? I'll test 'em.
  • Yes, that's correct - this was a test of the energy efficiency of the new dock badge detection method. It's technically good enough to leave them all on, but in the next experimental version I've set the defaults back to what it was before since there are still performance gains to be had.

I think if you check the "white background" option it won't be see-through anymore.

The blue highlight is when the option is selected. So just the active option. The setting above that one works fine.

Yes, but then I lose the vibrancy capabilities that make the sidebar look so nice :frowning: is there a way to only have a generic dark mode or light mode background while it's loading?

that's currently not possible, but maybe in the future!

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What would be great is to have a native vibrancy background with a transparent windowed webview on top!

Then we can just make whatever we need transparent and let the native vibrancy through.

Of course it wonā€™t work well with the windowless menu so the option will be disabled if windowless. Be sure to include both light and dark types.

The current method of transparency is pretty buggy. Its static and may bug out often cutting out windows, accumulating updates (e.g. update frames persist and layer on top of the previous image), may blank out to white if the webview updates things among other things...

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Yes to this x100!!! If I could just have my webview overlaid on top of a big vibrant window that would be ideal and would also look very nice and would get rid of the odd transparent loading glitchiness.

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