GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

@GoldenChaos . Hum. The latest BT toggle is forcing my system prefernces to always be open, and only to the BT pane?

I have added an option to hide the "Scroll Back Button" in the emoji widget to the latest alpha.

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Alright, here we go... installing 2.561! :crossed_fingers:

EDIT: Heyyyy it looks good! :ok_hand:

Ah, I didn't realize it was forcing System Prefs to always show the Bluetooth pane. Time to look for another way to detect bluetooth status... I really don't like needing to have blueutil. I'll see if the IOBluetooth framework supports anything useful.

EDIT: Well, turns out that crazy bluetooth output is good for something:

set btInfo to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType"

if btInfo contains "Bluetooth Power: On" then
	return true
	return false
end if

Much better.

Btw. I would change the back & forward keyboard shortcuts to cmd+arrow left and cmd+ arrow right, because the current ones don't work in most non-US keyboard layouts as far as I know.

Will do! Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea. 2.561 is working great over here, will have a new version up shortly.

Nice! One little note: for such things it's usually more performant to crop the data before doing Apple Script checks on it (e.g. get only the power status using system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType | grep Power

//edit or possibly even match the On state, then you could just check the returned string length which should be most performant (system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType | grep -i "Power: On" returns nothing if the power is off)

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Nice, that works beautifully. Here's the new BT toggle that will be in the upcoming release @peripatew


	do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType | grep -i \"Power: On\""
on error
	return false
end try

Script to run on button press:

tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer"
	set bt to (first menu bar item whose description is "bluetooth") of menu bar 1
	click bt
	tell menu of bt
		if exists menu item "Turn Bluetooth On" then
			click menu item "Turn Bluetooth On"
		else if menu item "Turn Bluetooth Off" exists then
			click menu item "Turn Bluetooth Off"
			key code 53 --escape
		end if
	end tell
end tell

One little fix / note. For me the Safari Now Playing widget, always showed - which was because it sometimes didn't return anything. Currently BTT only hides a widget if it returns an empty string.
This works for me:

if application "Safari" is running then
	tell application "Safari"
			repeat with t in tabs of windows
				tell t
						if URL starts with "" or URL starts with "" then
							return name of t as text
							return ""
						end if
					on error
						return ""
					end try
				end tell
			end repeat
		on error
			return ""
		end try
		return ""
	end tell
	return ""
end if
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Was wondering why this was happening. This is the AppleScript equivalent of forgetting a semicolon x_x

EDIT: Apparently the me between last night and now already made this change. Can caffeine cause amnesia? :joy:

EDIT2: Widget icons getting reset on restart, especially weather, continues to drive me insane. Do you know what's causing it @Andreas_Hegenberg?

nice! Next time you need to batch edit, I recommend to export the preset and open it in a text editor. Then do search replace.

If it's ok for you I'd like to mention this thread/preset in the release notes of the next official release :slight_smile: I think it's by far the most advanced so far!

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Please do! Also, let me know the time frame so I can prepare a new stable release to go along with it :slight_smile:

Depends on the remaining bugs that will be discovered :slight_smile:
I hope Friday around this time.

That sounds good to me :slight_smile: I feel like this current version is even more stable than the last stable version already, just a few more small things I want to add and it's ready to be verified. I'll shoot you a DM Friday morning my time (EST) so we can coordinate!

Hi :heart:️ I'm in love with this touchbar UI but I've noticed some things and I'm wondering if this is how they are supposed to work. First thing is that the "Now playing" function on Safari on Youtube is working only if Youtube is the first tab in the browser. Second thing that i noticed is that the Play/Pause, Previous, Next buttons do not work when Youtube is open. Is there a way that I can make these buttons to show up while using youtube? :grin:

I'm back again! I really like the concept of the Airpod button, but it's not working for me unfortunately. I suspect the issue relates to Toothfairy, which also controls Airpod connection. Weirdly, the GoldenChaos button doesn't work after quitting Toothfairy. Do you have any suggestions?

@GoldenChaos Would it be possible for the Date / Time widget to automatically get your timezone based on your location? I have to change my timezone in every widget when there's an update. Nevertheless great work on these updates :smiley:

EDIT: Also the Chrome now playing widget still doesn't work for me. Are there any settings that I missed?

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@Eloquente I'm preparing a new version that fixes the Safari and Chrome Now Playing widgets :slight_smile: thank you for finding that bug! As for the media controls, they persist so that you can pause your music before watching a video. If you want the buttons to control YouTube, simply quit all of your open media players and the keys will fall back to the system default behavior of controlling whatever is frontmost. (Make sure you have High Sierra Media Key Enabler set to "Pause if no player is running"!

@myhouseblewup what's not working about it specifically? I took a look and found a bug with tap to disconnect (it was missing for some reason, so I added it back in the upcoming version). If there was an issue besides the tap to disconnect functionality, would love more details. It works fine for me right now.

@negatiev That's up to @Andreas_Hegenberg, but it would make sense especially since the weather widget has a related capability :slight_smile: also, see above about the Chrome now playing widget. I've identified the cause of the issue and should have a fix out shortly.


Tapping to connect doesn't work. Once I've manually connected them, the symbol turns blue on the Touch Bar.

I'm going to try a different approach to connecting them using the Sound menu bar instead of the BT menu bar. I think the issue is that it connects the headphones but does not automatically set them as the current audio output when you do it from the BT menu.

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