GoldenChaos-BTT Support and Feedback Thread

Hi @GoldenChaos ,

great extension for BTT, thank you for taking the time to develop something like that.
I am new to this, so i've seen that command shows up the Dock Applications, so i disabled that.
But now command expands the left side of the touch bar that is not visible regularly because of the normal menu bar widgets such as volume, weather, battery etc.
how do i disable the expansion of the left side of the touch bar while pressing command?

Thank you,

Does this need something special from GoldenChaos? I have copied the Chrome tabs from GC to my own config, but they don't work, and when I run their applescript manually, I get:

getTab1.scpt:40:70: execution error: BetterTouchTool got an error: "Google Chrome" doesn’t understand the “is_app_running” message. (-1708)

How do I delete GoldenChaos so that I can reinstall?

Hey there,

I love BTT and GoldenChaos but somehow Teams notifications stopped working and the Menu bar icon doesn't work as well for me. Yes I am on BTT Alpha and restarted it as mentioned.

Any Idea?

@GoldenChaos on Jun 11 you asked me what websites should have custom buttons. Honestly, I think making custom buttons for google docs, sheets, presentation & drive would be a great start! Again, I have been very inactive, as for the past few months I have been using a monitor! :slight_smile:

EDIT: Oh lol i see @yuuiko has web controls which is nice. Maybe you can collab or smth?

Anyone else experiencing a frozen Touch Bar once in awhile? Will come back to life if I change windows or restart BTT but it happens quite often where the TB will become completely unresponsive?

GC is a real GEM! Thank you for it!

I would to ask if it is possible to add the "like" button to the Spotify widget within the GC?

Hi, i want to see usage ram/total ram. How can I do this?


Hmmm.. Does anyone know where the "Show Connectivity Actions" is hidden so I can try to fix the AirPods battery issue myself? ):

Hi, the dock badge for outlook is not working for me either. I would appreciate if you could check it or advise on how to make it work. I'm on the latest BT 3.402 and GC 3.392. Thanks! :raised_hands:

I noticed you have a HazeOver button to activate and deactivate it. It there a reason why you don't have an alternate button icon for this?

Have any Downcast users figured out a workaround to get it to work with the media controls and the Now Playing widget?

This is the script I'm running for outlook to work.

if application "Microsoft Outlook" is running then
	tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
		set unreadCount to the (unread count) of inbox
	end tell
	if unreadCount is not 0 then return unreadCount
	if unreadCount is 0 then return ""
on error
	return ""
end try
    return ""
end if

I'm having an issue with the calendar events doubling up. Is anyone else having that issue?
I'm using GoldenChoas 3.392 and BTT 3.402. Thanks for your hard work. Amazing touchbar

Thanks for me too now (outlook badge) :+1:t2:

Having an issue on 3.402 (GC version 3.392 - but was having this issue on previous versions as well). Touch Bar is occasionally freezing and not responsive to commands (anything on the GC TB). Waiting a few moment or forcing a BTT restart usually solves the issue.

Is this a known problem? Any ideas how to solve? Need any additional info from me?


if this is happening after using touchbar gestures, it is a known bug for the new MacBook Pros (I think)

Yeah - might be onto something with the freeze happening after using Touch Bar gestures. I don't have a newer MBP though (15" 2017) - does the known bug still exist for those years?


dunno, you'll have to ask @Andreas_Hegenberg
but it isn't a GoldenChoas thing, its a btt thing

works fine for Big Sur but not for Catalina