Can the Actions Ring (Logitech) be replicated with BTT? Anyone who can make a basic template?
maybe something like
Mouse Window Menu (MWM) - Window Management via Floating Menu ?
Already using MWM but no idea how to adapt it to a circular/ring shape menu
That's true it's not circular
Floating menus can currently only be circular when using the absolute positioning mode and placing the views manually:
I definitely plan to add automatic circular layout modes, but it will take a bit until they become available
Thnx for your reply & looking forward to the automatic circular layout modes
One other thing that I'm currently working on:
One of the next versions will allow to right-click a floating menu and select "move items" or something like that, then allowing to move around the items by dragging to modify the layout of a menu.
Sounds interesting, also looking forward to play with it
Actually it was easier to create such a layout algorithm than I had thought. So with 4.744 alpha you can now set the menu's layout mode to "circular"
(the C is positioned absolutely, the numbers are placed automatically)
circular_example.bttpreset (176.2 KB)
Great to see how quick you managed to create this, but I'm not surprised as your BTT dedication and support is beyond words. I've installed the 4,745 Alpha and the circular example. It shows up as set: "Menu VisiblityVisible On Launch" . Not sure how (which action) to use for: "Visibility Toggled Via Action". Can it also be summoned/toggled by any trackpad gesture? I toggle MWM by ⌃⇧ which works as expected.
"Close When Clicking Outside" does not seem to work or I'm doing it wrong
sure you can show/hide it via any trigger in BTT.
Basically change it from "Visible on Launch" to "Visibility Toggled Via Action". Then assign the predefined action "Toggle Floating Menu Hidden/Shown" to a keyboard shortcut, gesture or anything else.
For more advanced use cases you can also use the separate "Hide Floating Menu" and "Show Floating Menu" actions (e.g. if you would like to show it when doing a three finger click on the trackpad and hide it when removing the last finger from the trackpad).
I'm currently working on the documentation and will add a page about how to trigger floating menus.
Any way to make these rounded boxes to (outlined) circles ?
I really start to like that circular style
Posted another example for an app switcher that shows when doing a three finger swipe down here (requires latest alpha):
Couldn't agree with you more. I like AltTab as appswitcher which I call from
In Firefox it calls Panorama View extension.
For some reason the mousepointer is not positioned exactly in the center of the center item or so it shows when the menu is summoned.
@Andreas_Hegenberg How can I add the release of trackpad followed by selecting the hoovered item?
Set the "Show Floating Menu Action" for "on trigger" and the "Hide Floating Menu Action" for "on touch release". Then make sure to enable this option:
Thx, missed the 2 set of states one can create:
The Javascript you created for the appswitcher is nice with the swapping of the app icons.
I've started trying out the circular floating menu. I like it a lot.
One thought regarding menu efficiency and the shape of the active area for pie menu items:
The circular buttons are really nice looking, but:
In order to make the circles large enough to be nice looking, you're having to put them quite far out from the center of the circle.
The fact that they are circular also decreases the area of the mouse targets.
Both of these will tend to increase the time needed to target the buttons with a mouse or gesture. (Fitts Law)
Pie menu design often is done such that the menu items are in a ring (with an empty area inside the ring), where each item consists of a wedge, and all of the wedges together occupy the entire ring. This way you move your mouse/pointer in the direction of the item that you want, and you just need to get it inside the wedge for the item. With this design, the interior ring can be small (little travel distance from center to each wedge), and the wedges can be much larger than the labels.
I think you could get this effect while still keeping the elegant circular labels if you allow the entire wedge section behind the label to be the button. (Maybe this calls for some additional visual indicator of where the ring and wedge boundaries are).
that‘d be nice, but I have no idea how to implement something like this using swiftui‘s layout protocol (which is the base for btt‘s floating menus)
Maybe I could place smaller, invisible versions of the items in an inner ring