Did open/close Macbooklid doesn't work?

Ah sorry! Then it sounds like BTT is crashing and automatically restarting - because the only time these "After BTT did Launch" triggers are triggered, is when BTT initializes. Possibly there are crashlogs in the macOS console app under "Crash Reports".

I don't have much time this weekend, but will post my results on Monday!

Yes I the console I can see that BTT restarts many times. But I cannot see why?
There are no crash-logs
23-10-28 13:12:53.211 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] BTT did launch 2023-10-28 13:12:53.214 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] checking signature for bundle: file:///Applications/BetterTouchTool.app/ 2023-10-28 13:12:54.017 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] signature looks good! 2023-10-28 13:12:54.017 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] did set BetterTouchTool priority to -2 | 0 2023-10-28 13:12:54.017 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] BTT did launch 2023-10-28 13:22:57.921 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] BTT did launch 2023-10-28 13:22:57.924 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] checking signature for bundle: file:///Applications/BetterTouchTool.app/ 2023-10-28 13:22:58.835 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] signature looks good! 2023-10-28 13:22:58.835 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] did set BetterTouchTool priority to -2 | 0 2023-10-28 13:22:58.836 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] BTT did launch 2023-10-28 13:23:39.589 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] checking signature for bundle: file:///Applications/BetterTouchTool.app/ 2023-10-28 13:23:39.997 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] signature looks good! 2023-10-28 13:23:39.997 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] did set BetterTouchTool priority to -2 | 0 2023-10-28 13:35:20.003 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] checking signature for bundle: file:///Applications/BetterTouchTool.app/ 2023-10-28 13:35:20.571 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] signature looks good! 2023-10-28 13:35:20.571 BetterTouchProcessPrioWatcher[41577:1555083] did set BetterTouchTool priority to -2 | 0

Is there anything in here for BTT?

By the way, on macOS 13 and higher you don't need to use the Priority Watcher helper tool anymore. I will remove that soon. I'd recommend to uninstall it

okay, it is installed on my MBP. I will uninstall it and let you know if something changes
BTT has a crash yesterday during editing something - I send you the crash report via Mail

The problem persists without helper-Tool
BTT starts at every wakeup and online the Sleep-Trigger works

I think I have found the issue. Need to work a bit to find the best solution, but I should have a version ready that finally fixes this tomorrow.

I think 4.308 should fix the wake after sleep actions (not the did open/close lid though)

Good Morning Andreas,
thank you for caring about this problem. I will try the knew Version and give you a feedback.


Thanks that would be great. It's possible it's not yet 100% fixed - but at least I now know where the issue is coming from.

Hey Andreas,
the wakeup seems to work now.
I think it's because BTT didn´t restart anymore during the wakeup so the event starts correct.

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everything works fine, but I have seen, that today at the first wakeup BTT starts the wakeup-trigger and 10 sec later the BTT-Start-Trigger. There no logs at the console.
I think that's not how it should?

ah I think I know where this is coming from. I’ll do another revision later today!

With the new BTT-Version Wake-, Sleep- and BTT-Start-Trigger work fine!

Do you also have a plan to repair the Lid-open/-close-Trigger?

They seem to work here, however they will only work if the Macbook does not go to sleep when closing the lid (so when some external display is connected).
They can be a bit slow because BTT only polls the state every few seconds.

Yes if I use Amphetamin to avoid sleeping the trigger works!
It makes sense, because otherwise the sleep-/wakeup-Trigger is used.

So my problem is solved.
Thank you

Hi, I'm wondering if the close lid/open lid triggers are still in the process of being fixed? I'm trying to implement a workflow similar to the one outlined here: Toggle Bluetooth Status on MacBook lid open/close unreliable

Except, I only want to disable bluetooth when closing the lid of my Mac and keep Bluetooth disabled when I open the lid again


No, they now behave as expected as far as I can tell. (see above discussion)

Oh, ok. Thanks for the quick reply, Andreas!

Do you have any guidance about how getting this trigger to work? (Close the lid, disable bluetooth)

Do I need to use a different trigger (sleep + Amphetamine) -> is my close lid trigger not working because my Mac is going to sleep before the trigger can actually execute?

The screenshot attached is what I set up:

Try the "Before Mac Goes To Sleep" trigger instead, that will trigger a little earlier, thus allowing for some actions to be executed. Also make sure to remove the async delay.

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Thank you Andreas! That did the trick!

This is probably the fourth time I've looked for a stand-alone piece of software that does something specific, before realizing "I bet BTT can already do this."

Simply phenomenal software and support. I couldn't use my Mac without it. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!