BTT stops working after sleep or close lid

Description: Trackpad gestures stop working after Mac has been asleep. or had lid closed. BTT must be restarted to restore functionality.

  • Type of Mac: 2018 MacBook Pro 13"
  • macOS version: 12.2.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 3.402.(1633)

Numerous other bugs like this reported but no official response. This is frustrating to have purchased a not fully functioning product:

BTT stops working after restart (In my case a restart of BTT does fix the issue but still, this user is reporting BTT stops. working after sleep)

Unfortunately I have never experienced such an issue (although testing on many different systems). However you could use the „restart after sleep“ option in the advanced settings in BTT.

Does a sleep always break gestures for you? If you can find any details on when it happens, that might be helpful for finding a real fix


Same issue for me.
MBP M1, BTT 4.073.
After a sleep or lid close I have to wait 10 to 20 seconds before BTT appears and works again.
I can't do anything in between.

Is there a way to download the previous BTT version?


@Christophe that sounds like you have the "restart after wake from sleep" option activated in the BTT settings, such a restart can take 10-20 seconds.

You can download previous versions: Index of /releases, but there hasn't been a change to this in a long time.


No. this option is not selected.
I'll try with previous rev and let you know.



I have the same issue. However, in my case, after waking from sleep, gestures start working again only after I move a window. Until I do that, the gestures seem to be blocked after waking from sleep.

This is a problem that apparently many have in different ways.

In my case, the gestures no longer work. Sometimes the shortcuts don't either. But the key sequences always work.

So, I double tap shift, which disables BTT for 0.2 s, reenables it and everything is back to normal :slightly_smiling_face:

(What also helps is to move a window or switch the front app)

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Same happens to me. Macbook pro 13 inch 2022 model. Sometimes it stops working mid way for no reason, then I need to restart the BTT app manually.

I have the exact same situation with the latest build.

I'm wondering, do you use raycast?

Long time user. First time poster. This has bugged me for months now on a 2020 M1 MBP. I can't point the precise beginning date or cause, but MOST of the times I open the lid, I have to manually restart BTT these days.

I've sent Andreas the logs back in Jan (no response) and the bug had some tenure to it even then.

Of the zillion things that BTT can do, I really only use triple tap to deliver a middle click and a four fongered double-tap to close windows.

I've since learned that closing the lid (at least without power, Im less sure about closing it with power) is th e likely trigger. I've learned that a menu restart is a 100% cure and that the advanced menu to autostart upon lid open is ineffective.

This thread only goes back to March, but there wer emultiple threads open on this when I sent the bugreport in, upon request, in Jan. I think if you add up the number of people across the multiple reports on this plus those that have given up, don't visit the forum (I rarely do), or have no idea what the cause it that you'll likely see a non-trivial percentage of affected users.

Please: what can we do to help identify the smsoking gun and possibly move along a fix?

Thank you.

Of course I'd like to fix the issue, but so far all tries to reproduce it have been unsuccessful. It might seem like it affects many users, but this is because people who don't encounter an issue do not post here. If an obvious issue like this affects many users I literally get hundreds of e-mails right after the release.

It's most likely not a single issue but many different circumstances that lead to this. It can be conflicts with specific other apps, special macOS settings, file permission issues and many more. BTT in many cases doesn't use official API and instead needs to rely on undocumented macOS interfaces which can be hard to control in edge cases like waking from sleep.

However none of my many test machines have encountered this yet, which makes it really hard to find/fix.

If you want a quick way to restart BTT, you can set up a keyboard shortcut and assign the "Restart BetterTouchTool" action.

If anybody knows what change caused this to happen on their machine, this could be helpful!

No, and if there was one, do you think it would be bug free? :joy:

Good. Then you have made your decision.

I don't remember asking for your input. Banned, I'm not discussing like this. Every input is welcome as long is it's not insulting.

For users still running into this, I'm collecting logs on this topic. If you encounter this regularly please go to the BetterTouchTool configuration window, then in the menubar select "Help => Export Diagnostic Debug Information" and send the result to referencing this thread.

After looking at some of the provided logs, my current theory is that this is somehow related to clamshell mode. Either because you are actually using clamshell mode (macbook lid closed while external display is connected), or whether clamshell mode is incorrectly detected by BTT.

It would be great if affected people tried this terminal command to disable clamshell detection in BTT to see whether that improves the situation:

defaults write com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool BTTClamshellCheckDisabled YES

After receiving a few more logs, it seems like for some reason macOS is intentionally freezing the BetterTouchTool app on some machines until a user action targeted to the app is recognized. I don't know why it would do that, maybe it's a way to save resources and maybe it only does it in specific settings.

I'm trying some ways to prevent that in version 4.166 alpha, would be great if you could test that and see whether the issue still occurs. The clamshell command mentioned above might still be helpful because it doesn't seem to be the same issue causing this for all users.

If it still occurs afterwards, you could try to disable app sleep system wide to see whether it's the cause of the issue:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAppSleepDisabled -bool YES

(This probably requires a macOS restart - you can change it back to NO at any point)

fyi. The main problem seems to be (almost) solved for me. What remains here are "problems" with F-keys to which BTT actions are assigned. In my case they eg open web pages in the browser. This works mostly only when the front app is changed (back and forth). This is the old method that always worked. :slightly_smiling_face:

do you have these globally defined or are they in a specific CAG or app specific?

Most of them app specific short and long press. A few global to launch apps.

Strange thing is, normal shortcuts seem to work. But the F-Keys (which are actually also shortcuts) do not work.

possibly it has to do with secure input mode, which is activated while the lock screen is active and gets deactivated once another app becomes active. Some shortcut types can't work with secure input. Maybe the deactivation doesn't happen correctly.

I could do an experiment with the next version, which will check for secure input mode and if it is active, will try to unfocus & refocus the frontmost window.

Sounds good. :slightly_smiling_face: That might maybe also explain why key sequences were never a problem?

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