Unfortunately I think the ChatGPT standard subscription doesn't come with a subscription to their API. These seem to be two different things. The subscription only allows to be used with the official web interface as far as I know ;-(
So advanced scripting is probably not allowed with that.
I understand, and I appreciate your response.
I was even thinking of opening a separate browser only to keep one ChatGPT open all the time so that I could automate it.
I really don't want to pay for "GPT" many times.
It's sad they don't support using the API with the $20 subscription.
Are you using the offered plugins? Otherwise you could completely switch to the API and use one of the many alternative UI's GitHub - billmei/every-chatgpt-gui: Every front-end GUI client for ChatGPT
My goal is to avoid using the API and using my $20 subscription the most, for that reason I'd like to have automation with my https://chat.openai.com browser tab.
I don't want to pay for Raycast AI, Notion AI, etc .. when I'm paying a subscription. I was very good writing macros in the past with AHK but I'm using Mac now.
You wouldn't need to pay for any of these. You could just get the official OpenAI Api access instead of the $20 subscription and pay per use - directly to OpenAI. In my experience this is much cheaper than the $20 subscription for almost all users.
But of course you could also automate the browser tab. I just think that adds a bit of complexity which is not really necessary.
Thanks for your answers. I'm a heavy GPT-4 user, and I think the API it's much more expensive. Also I don't want to lose DALL-E 3 or Code Interpreter access, so probably in my very particular case, this complexity can be good.
Great work Andreas. I created a quick floating menu with few GPT actions buttons. One action is basically user selects text and app transforms as your basic example. I have been trying to figure out a way to detect if no text is selected and show error. Code example:
let selectedText = await get_string_variable({variable_name:'selected_text'})
if (!selectedText) {
showHUD("Text must be selected", "x.circle", 1);
return "";
...In Transform & Replace Selection with Javascript. But even when there is no text selected, it seems that selectedText will contain the text from last run. I find it intuitive and not sure what I am doing wrong, or what can I do to check for selected text
unfortunately BTT also doesn't have a way to check whether there is selected text. The system doesn't offer such a function (at least none that works in all apps). To get the selected text BTT sends cmd+c to the system, and then returns the current clipboard content.
You could set the clipboard content to be an empty string before getting the selected text
await set_clipboard_content({content:'', format: 'NSPasteboardTypeString'})
You rock!! That worked exactly like I want by just sticking the the set_clipboard_content one line ahead of getting selected text. I wish I just asked before spending some time trying to debug it; it was fun though and learned more about the power of your creation. Maybe a suggestion to clarify this in docs if you get asked again.
To clarify in this context then, there is no difference between selected_text and clipboardContentString; in the context of Transform&replace javascript, correct?
correct, in this case there is no difference between the two!
has anyone found a way to make this work with openAI's whisper? The workflow i would like to achieve is
- shortcut -> record
- auto transcribe in background
- copy transcription to clipboard
There seem to be bug with the "Transform & replace selection with chatGPT" function. I can't get it to save my api key. Anyone else experiencing this? I can paste it, but when I click save it disappears. I have also checked the API key usage, and it's not being used for the function. The function itself works and actually seem to be using "gpt-4-turbo" as I have selected. I'm on version 4.494.
Thanks for reporting - that broke today with the update, should be fixed in 4.495 (uploading now)!
Hi, is there a way to reference a variable (not just from selected text) or more than one variable in the prompt sent to chatgpt?