Ahh I'm sorry I won't make it today either. However I have made tons of progress today. The bar is now completely built on BTT's floating menus feature (it's a widget you can add to any floating menu). You will be able to fully customize it - even set different background & hover colors for every status item.
You will be able to place it anywhere. It will even be possible to completely overlay the default menubar and .
I think I have everything working now, but need work a bit on integrating it / nicely combining the parts.
Where do those menus open? In their “original” place in the actual menu bar? Or at the left end of the menu icons on the right? Or do they open right from the floating menu?
And … will I be able to show this floating menu with a user-assigned F-Key or some key combo? (I assume yes) … and will I be able to summon this right under my mouse pointer?
No "Second Bar" release yet - but one thing I'd like you to test because it covers all important steps:
Version 4.590 alpha changes the "Hide Status Item Left of BTT Icon" to "Hide Status Item Left Of Specific Icon". (Or Toggle/Show). This means you can now choose which items should be hidden independent of BTT icon. Looks simple, but was very tricky to implement.
It would be great if some could try this action, e.g. by assigning it to a keyboard shortcut or custom menubar item.
4.590 and 4.591 broke my existing Menubar Item which I had been using up until now. I had a small SF Symbol chevron icon sat to the right of the BTT icon, and had a trigger set so clicking on it would hide / show the BTT icon and everything to its left.
Obviously lots going on behind the scenes with this feature right now, but what was working before is now broken and I can't seem to get the previous function back.
Was seeing a "no entry" icon attached to my mouse every time I tried to execute the trigger and I couldn't get any of my icons back without quitting BTT. Have even tried deleting the old Menubar Item and starting new, but it's still not working.
Would be great if you could go to Help => Export Diagnostic Debug Information and send the result to me (andreas@folivora.ai) - afterwards you can downgrade to the previous version:
After the bartender thing, I was in search for an alternative and came across an app called Barbee. Nothing special from the first glance, but it turned out it has a tremendously useful feature called quick search. It basically opens up an interface similar to BTT app switcher and allows to search through the menubar icons by name. The chosen icon appears in the menubar for a couple of seconds so you can interact with it and goes away once finished.
I don’t know how hard it would be to implement the app switcher to menubar icons, but thought it's worth to put the idea out there.
Yes, I have implemented such a search based on BTT's window switcher as well. It pretty much allows you to keep all items hidden and only summon them via such a search. Will be available once I release everything.
I've got the same behaviour. I had an icon set (three dots) for the previous Show/Hide action that has been working since I dumped BarTender. I altered to Show, async delay, hide actions which worked for a while but on one hide the icon hide itself randomly and I couldn't recover it. Now the dummy icon doesn't seem to appear in the menu bar.
I had to manually run a "Show Menu Bar Icons left of" and set it to the icon that was right of the dummy icon I had set previously.
Currently on 4.592, I'll try and create a new automation later and see if I can repeat the behaviour.
Rather than using a fixed delay is there a way to hold the menu items visible whilst the pointer is over the menu bar and then hide x seconds after you leave? My Bartender usage was quite basic and that behaviour was nice so I wanted to try to reproduce. It also hid the existing "right" items when there wasn't space to show all the hidden icons which was handy on my 14" with a notch.
"Hide left of specific icon/show left of specific icon" worked for me when I just tried it with alpha 4.595. What else can we test out for you? So excited for this additional functionality!
I'm a dummy. I cannot get this to work. I set a trigger (moving mouse to top right, or a keystroke trigger like Ctl-Option-Cmd-M, set the action to show/hide items left of a specific icon (nice popup for selecting, I choose one like Apple Shortcuts icon), and ... nothing happens. This is on two devices: Mac mini macOS 14.5, and MacBook Air, macOS 14.5.
Just wanted to ask; I keep seeing you mentioning the "release" and that it's almost ready. Just to plan to retire my Bartender copy and move into BTT for this, what is exactly what you will be releasing? Actions? Triggers? A Preset to work like some OotB Bartender functionality? A combination of the above?
shortcuts involving cmd could maybe be problematic, can you try with another shortcut? however moving the mouse to a corner should work fine
make sure BTT has screen recording permissions in system settings -> security & privacy (it needs to capture pictures and information of the status items)
I just installed 4.597 and it's working fine when I recreated the menu bar icon.
There is an option called "Hide Menu Bar Items Temporarily" that I use to clear space on the menubar, is there any possibility this could become a hide and show action?
Screen recording has been given permission and the system icon is active indicating the screen is being recorded.
I should describe another issue. I don't know if it directly BTT, but it only appears when BTT (the current alpha version) is running. When I move my cursor to the top of the screen, it disappears and comes up from the bottom, activating the Dock in the process. As I say, this only happens when BTT is running. And I don't remember this problem from before I installed the latest alpha.