Any ETA when we will see this function to replace Bartender officially released? I'm eager to ditch Bartender and swap over to BTT.
Having the same issue here, recreated the trigger after installing the latest alpha. Did you have any luck? It just sits in the menu bar no matter where I move it. I even manually moved it to the overflow and adjusted the percentages to see if I can get it to move back.
It moved once in the beginning, but not anymore.
would be great if somebody could try v4.600 alpha with this preset:
simple_item_bar_example.bttpreset (57.0 KB)
It should show a bar with all items when moving the mouse to the top of the screen:
It should also show a menubar item that allows you to hide other items.
If this works I'll add the UI for managing & customizing the items to show in the bar tomorrow.
Awesome progress!
Will all these developments be focused on that floating menu bar only or would it be possible to do the same with the standard menu bar; as Bartender? In my case, I'd much rather not have a floating menu bar and use the native Apple one.
It's working great! It's correctly showing items that were hidden by the notch for me.
The clock is a little cut off on the right (can't upload an image example as a new user), but that may be because I have the icon spacing set really tightly.
I did have to adjust the Move Mouse Away From Top Screen Edge preset to increase the Distance Required value: 20px was small enough that I couldn't then move down and click on the items in the extra bar.
@Timmy256 Can you describe what exactly you need? I think all of it should be possible soon. (The bar is just one part)
@procrastopossum thanks a lot for testing!
Yes, this works for me. Shows/Hides this custom menu bar when moving to top edge of screen. I can't select anything on this menubar, I guess that's still to come.
I retested with the icon spacing reset to defaults (I'd previously set NSStatusItemSpacing and NSStatusItemSelectionPadding), and a portion of the right hand side of the bar is still cut off.
I do have some unusual-width menu items (iStat Menus and One Thing), but disabling them only reduced how much is cropped off. So maybe the bar is just a fixed width, and this is a message that I have too many icons?
in this preset it‘s fixed size but should be scrollable. You can make the size bigger by changing the config of the floating menu (or by drag resizing the bar). Next version will allow to auto adjust the size
The items should already be clickable (only tested on macOS 14.5, if clicked they will temporarily unhide in the main menubar)
Hmmm... as soon as I move the cursor away from the top of the screen, the new menubar hides. So I can't do anything with it.
maybe the „move away distance“ for the „move mouse away from top edge“ trigger was not imported correctly? Could you check in the „automations, named & other triggers“ section?
You can also show the bar via any other trigger in BTT using the „show/hide floating menu“ action (menu name is statusbaricons)
Andreas' thing of increasing the Distance value on that move-away trigger worked for me to fix that. I increased it to 80 just to give myself plenty of slack.
Yes, that fixed it for me too. I don't see how to use the Menubar Item < trigger. Clicking it does nothing to either the system or the BTT menubar for me. I'm surely misunderstanding how to use it.
it is supposed to hide all items that are located left of it in the real menubar (if it’s leftmost it won’t do anything, drag it to an appropriate position)
Make sure BTT v4.600 alpha is running
Yes, BTT v4.600, macOS 14.5. I did see it work once, but it's very sporadic for me. I have it now positioned as in the image:
mh maybe some conflict with some other app, I’ll try to reproduce that.
Going to sleep now, thanks all for testing the alpha, that was very helpful!
does this require screen recording permission?
@andy4222 yes