noted! a simple search & click should be doable
Got a bit delayed because the kids caught a cold, hope to have something ready to share tomorrow.
noted! a simple search & click should be doable
Got a bit delayed because the kids caught a cold, hope to have something ready to share tomorrow.
oh no! i hope everyone feels better quickly. family first for sure. i appreciate your work
Definitely family first!
I might have missed this request but I would like to single click (maybe even swipe or scroll) the menubar instead of double clicking. That's how I previously had it set in Bartender. Would that be doable?
I had areas of my menubar that were always hidden and areas that were always visible and then the rest would show up when I clicked the menubar once.
I am so thankful for how hard you work on BTT @Andreas_Hegenberg! You are awesome!
@ddsforlife, yes you can use any trigger BTT offers. In general I do not recommend to use a standard leftclick, because this means BTT needs to monitor any leftclick - but it is possible. Try to import this trigger:
leftclick_trigger.bttpreset (2.7 KB)
After importing you might need to check this option manually:
The trigger has a basic trigger condition assigned to trigger only while hovering the menubar, and additionally an advanced condition to only trigger on empty parts of the menubar
A small weirdness with these preview versions, I somehow managed to delete the menubar item for BTT‽ Relaunching, rebooting, nada. I can still get the main window + preferences up by launching it, as usual, but the menubar icon is gone. The chevrons are there from the preset...
Just FYI.
there are basically two options
1.) you hid the icon via the setting in the BetterTouchTool preferences
2.) you executed the predefined action „hide status items left of BetterTouchTool icon“ (in the example preset above this is assigned to clicking the notch)
1 - I checked, nope
2 - well, let's just say I did that and didn't notice
Thanks for the sanity check.
Hi! Thanks for that. It looked like it seemed to work, but now I don't see the battery icon anymore at all. I double click to make the hidden icons visible and the others appear, but no battery?! Disabling those triggers doesn’t help, my battery menu icon is gone ... Only on the lockscreen it is still there.
Also, since updating BTT and setting up this trigger, the icon for "BTT is recording your screen" is lit constantly, which wasn't the case before. Is this normal behavior?
which version are you currently on?
Do you still see the BTT icon in the menubar? Otherwise it‘s probably hidden along with all items that were left of it using the predefined action „hide menubar status items left of btt icon“ (when using the preset shared above this is triggered by clicking the he notch)
I am on 4.583. I can hide/show all other icons by double clicking, but the battery icon doesn't show. And even if I quit BTT, it still doesn't show. I restarted the MacBook, this doesn't help.
Ah, then it was probably just dragged off the menubar, in that case you need to reenable it in System Settings => Control Center => Battery
Ok, that helped briefly, but once I ran the action again, it disabled the icon in the settings again. If I saw this right, it seemed like the icon wasn't moved, but instead I got a little plus-icon at my mouse and when I clicked somewhere, it vanished. Now I seem to not be able to run the action again at all. The battery is at 100% right now, so I guess the trigger just doesn't trigger. But the first time I ran the action via the "play" button. This doesn't run it a second time, so I can't recreate the problem. I don't get it ...
And the screen recording Icon is running all the time.
You do have both triggers configured, right? One that moves it left of the BTT icon when the battery is high, and one that moves it somewhere to the right once the battery gets low? (E.g. left of the control center item)
For the screen recording: that will become necessary with the upcoming status item management features because BTT needs to capture & "stream" the current status items. For now you might be able to get rid of it by disabling Notch Bar support in BTT:
Yes, I have them both. But I deleted it and set it up one more time, just in case I messed something up. I'll wait for the battery level to drop and see what happens. If it doesn't work then, I'll post again. Thanks so far!
i‘ll also have another look!
Can you already announce some intermediate state or rough estimation when you plan to release some features?
Sorry lots of personal things ate up my time. I think I should be able to share a workable preset with a configurable "second bar" tomorrow! (Back to the roots, my very first Mac app in 2009 was called SecondBar SecondBar: get your external monitor a second menubar! – for free |
Hi! I checked again and the action somehow doesn't trigger. I have moved the icon the left of the BTT icon. I have "battery is lower than 55%" set as the trigger and "move battery icon to new position" set to "move to right of BTT icon" – the lower one is the one that defines the position and the upper one is the one that's moved, correct?
We all appreciate the effort, I don't anyone will judge you for the time taken. Is this the best place to watch or will it become a blog entry?
This is the right place (although an additional blog post is a good idea). I'll post here some first examples tomorrow around this time. Then we can build on that