App crashes when open

Hi, my bettertouchtool app crashes everytime I open the preference.
It runs fine in the background and I can use all the shortcuts.
But I cannot edit any of my shortcut settings anymore.

This is my last topic : App crashes right away when open

I was waiting for a solution but never got one.
Please help.

unfortunately it worked fine on my system with the debug info you sent ;-(
Could it maybe be language related? What language is your system set to?

It's in Korean, and it worked just fine for a long time until my last adjustments.
So here's some more background info.

My last adjustment was adding new shortcuts with mouse and keyboard combined. I added these shortcuts and I still had no problem opening the pref window for some time. But after a few months(there could have been 1 or2 bttt update during this time), I felt like changing some shortcuts and that's when I found out I cannot open the pref window anymore :frowning:
So my only guess is that the new shortcuts I added last may have something to do with the crash? I wanted to try removing those shortcuts but of course I cannot open the preference..
Is there any way to remove certain shortcuts without opening the preference window?

Unfortunately I've made a lot of changes after my last pref backup, so that's why I cannot just move to a clean install.

Mhh maybe try setting BTT to english using this terminal command while BTT is quit:

defaults write com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool AppleLanguages '(en)'

ahh... it worked!!!! Thank you!

I believe I've never changed language settings or anything similar.
Do you know what caused this change?

I don't know, but now I should be able to figure it out by looking at your debug data again!