Hey guys
How do i get AirPods Pro battery info? I am currently getting only the AirPods symbol . I am relatively new to this app and preset. Any help would be really appreciated
Hey guys
How do i get AirPods Pro battery info? I am currently getting only the AirPods symbol . I am relatively new to this app and preset. Any help would be really appreciated
Long-press on the AirPods icon! It will open the Connectivity Strip which contains all the battery info for BT devices
The storage of the information has changed in macOS Monterey. Since I did not install Golden Chaos (too much for me), I adapted the script "blindly". Try it once with this:
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "IOBluetooth"
use scripting additions
set processInfo to current application's NSProcessInfo's processInfo()'s operatingSystemVersion() as record
set pairedNames to ((current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices())'s valueForKey:"nameOrAddress") as list
set connectedValue to ((current application's IOBluetoothDevice's pairedDevices())'s valueForKey:"connected") as list
set connectedDeviceName to ""
repeat with i from 1 to count pairedNames
if item i of pairedNames contains "AirPods Pro" and item i of connectedValue = 1 then
set connectedDeviceName to item i of pairedNames
end if
end repeat
if connectedDeviceName ≠ "" then
if processInfo's majorVersion > 11 then
set xmlData to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType -xml"
set theData to ((current application's NSString's stringWithString:xmlData)'s dataUsingEncoding:(current application's NSUTF8StringEncoding))
set infoDict to (current application's NSPropertyListSerialization's propertyListWithData:theData options:0 format:(missing value) |error|:(missing value))
set devlist to ((infoDict's valueForKey:"_items")'s firstObject()'s firstObject()'s valueForKey:"devices_list")
repeat with j from 0 to (count of (devlist as list)) - 1
if (devlist's objectAtIndex:j)'s allKeys()'s firstObject() as text = connectedDeviceName then
set devDic to ((devlist's objectAtIndex:j)'s valueForKey:connectedDeviceName)
set batteryPercentLeft to (devDic's valueForKey:"device_batteryLevelLeft")
set batteryPercentRight to (devDic's valueForKey:"device_batteryLevelRight")
if batteryPercentLeft ≠ missing value and batteryPercentRight ≠ missing value then
set batteryPercentLeft to (batteryPercentLeft's substringToIndex:((batteryPercentLeft's |length| as integer) - 2)) as integer
set batteryPercentRight to (batteryPercentRight's substringToIndex:((batteryPercentRight's |length| as integer) - 2)) as integer
return "L: " & batteryPercentLeft & "% " & "R: " & batteryPercentRight & "%"
end if
end if
end repeat
return ""
set batteryLevelLeft to do shell script "BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth); SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType); MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 \"Minor Type: Headphones\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Address/{print $3}'); CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 \"${MAC_ADDR}\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}'); BLUETOOTH_DATA=$(grep -ia6 '\"'\"${MAC_ADDR}\"'\"'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS}\"); BATTERY_LEVELS=(\"BatteryPercentLeft\"); if [[ \"${CONNECTED}\" ]]; then for I in \"${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}\"; do declare -x \"${I}\"=\"$(awk -v pat=\"${I}\" '$0~pat{gsub (\";\",\"\"); print $3 }'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}\")\"; [[ ! -z \"${!I}\" ]] && OUTPUT=\"${OUTPUT}$(awk <<<\"${I}\")${!I}%\"; done; printf \"%s\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; else printf \"%s Not Connected\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; fi"
set batteryLevelRight to do shell script "BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.Bluetooth); SYSTEM_PROFILER=$(system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType); MAC_ADDR=$(grep -b2 \"Minor Type: Headphones\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Address/{print $3}'); CONNECTED=$(grep -ia6 \"${MAC_ADDR}\"<<<\"${SYSTEM_PROFILER}\"|awk '/Connected: Yes/{print 1}'); BLUETOOTH_DATA=$(grep -ia6 '\"'\"${MAC_ADDR}\"'\"'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DEFAULTS}\"); BATTERY_LEVELS=(\"BatteryPercentRight\"); if [[ \"${CONNECTED}\" ]]; then for I in \"${BATTERY_LEVELS[@]}\"; do declare -x \"${I}\"=\"$(awk -v pat=\"${I}\" '$0~pat{gsub (\";\",\"\"); print $3 }'<<<\"${BLUETOOTH_DATA}\")\"; [[ ! -z \"${!I}\" ]] && OUTPUT=\"${OUTPUT}$(awk <<<\"${I}\")${!I}%\"; done; printf \"%s\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; else printf \"%s Not Connected\" \"${OUTPUT}\"; fi"
set batteryPercentLeft to word 2 of batteryLevelLeft
set batteryPercentRight to word 2 of batteryLevelRight
return "L: " & batteryPercentLeft & "% " & "R: " & batteryPercentRight & "%"
end if
return ""
end if
If it doesn't work, please post the current script once so I can possibly adjust it.
Thanks for your answer. I tried it just now, but it still can't work normally. Can you share you preset to me? My operation system is Big Sur.
I don't have a preset for that, just changed the script for Monterey. I use this one: Help with modifying some code pls - #16 by Dirk
It should have worked under Big Sur. Maybe the name of your AirPods does not contains "AirPods Pro". Have a look or maybe change this line in the script accordingly:
if item i of pairedNames contains "AirPods Pro" and item i of connectedValue = 1 then
OK, I'll try it. Thanks so much.