can support stream deck?
Would approve!
+1 I would love to trigger my macros from my Stream Deck.
Would definitely love this. Using this now all the time in live production via Companion.
I would love this!
I use 2 stream decks 15/32 and BTT - it works for me
Care to elaborate on your setup? Are you just plugging in the Stream Deck and BTT intercepts all keypresses? I’m SO close to shelling out the $ to buy a Stream Deck for the sole purpose of controlling BTT, but I would hate to discover that it doesn’t work once I have ripped the packaging to bits.
Hi to use Elgato today to enter longer code snippet (longer than 500 characters limit) is practical nowadays by combining both BTT and Stream Deck.
1 In BTT, edit a short cut keybinding to implement 'Insert Text by Pasting' where you could edit much longer characters
2 In the stream deck System-->Hotkey, record the hotkey you set for the BTT.
That's it. Once set, I just click the button on stream deck, the super long text got pasted into where ever I want.
It suddenly doesn't work this way anymore.
It worked this afternoon, but right now this way doesn't work. And I don't really know why. It just simply doesn't output whatever text I set in the BTT, only the actual keystroke works with BTT. Could anyone tell me why?
I assign F12 to paste some text in BTT and also set a stream deck hotkey button for F12. I hit 'F12' on keyboard when I use Chrome browser and the text is pasted into search bar without problem, however, when I hit the stream deck button it opens the webpage inspection interface within Chrome browser.
Another possibility is Keyboard Maestro.
Actually the Keyboard Maestro works pretty well. Solve my question. Thank you so much.
Would love direct support for streamdeck.
Yes please. Could Touch Bar stuff be reappropriated to work with streamdeck?
Using a stream deck to simple trigger hotkeys is useful, but I don't want to trouble-shoot webhooks for everything.
An integration or plug-in with the Stream Deck SDK, would open up a lot more than simple triggers.
The buttons offer the chance for live-updating graphical widgets, like the touch bar.
If BetterTouchTool even had a simple plug-in to pick up the hotkeys, it would get a lot of visibility with keyboard/gadget tinkerers on the stream deck app store.
I've been trying to get hot keys to work too to switch between my spaces using stream deck and BTT. It wasn't working, but I found if you go to BTT >>> Keyboard Settings >>> and check "Always use old keyboard shortcut implementation" it suddenly started working and the stream deck button pushes activated the hot key macros I built in BTT. Hope this helps!
I tried this and it allowed stream deck to acknowledge the key command, however, it created a never-ending loop. Not until I switched it to the default ("Automatically switch to old keyboard implementation ...") did it stop looping (and would no longer work in conjunction with stream deck)
I use loads of them on my Stream Deck...haven't had to do any trouble great even in multi actions...surprisingly fast, no recognisable latency imo, maybe a couple of ms, but nothing relevant...
Agree a plugin with "live-updating graphical widgets" would be awesome.
The way I'm doing them now is to use named-triggers...means I can just copy/paste one in stream deck and all I have to change is the name...
http://ip:port/trigger_named/?trigger_name=Top Left etc.
the plugin will come soon!
Any idea on functionality expected? I’m running out of a trial for keyboardmaestro that I only use for making streamdeck suck less, so curious what BTT is planning to implement!
Also keen to beta test if you need anyone!
@Andreas_Hegenberg do you have any plans on when that would potentially be ready?
I broke my Stream Deck, this is why it’s a bit delayed
Just got a new one yesterday and will work on it during the next days. I hope beta in ~ 7 days, but not sure yet
sorry to hear that, but awesome ETA and I'm glad you've got a new one! fingers crossed everything goes smoothly