Add right-click to delete in 'Actions assigned to trigger'

Currently there is no right-click menu for any of the 'Actions assigned to current trigger':


If we want to delete them, we have to scroll aaaaaall the way to the bottom of the UI, and click the delete button:


On my monitor, the way I tile my windows, that ends up being a long way away; so far that I often forget how to even delete items, and have to search the UI for the feature again:

It would be awesome if there was a right-click menu on the actions that allowed me to delete them right at that 'current context' point; similar to how I can right-click on a 'Group/Top Level Trigger' and choose 'Delete selected item(s):

Request is 'spiritually similar' to this request that was fixed recently:

I just ran into this again, expecting to be able to right click on an action to remove it; came here to request it, and found that I already had in the past :sweat_smile:

As a new user to BTT I was surprised to not be able to right-click on actions and copy/paste/delete/disable each action.

lol same, but here’s my work around for it :upside_down_face:

  1. I created a conditional activation group just for BTT ( :heavy_plus_sign: button in the bottom left corner)

  2. Then, I set up activation trigger conditions with if condition/else/end condition

Hope this helps!