"Unfortunately" your preset seems to work fine here.
Maybe try to reset your BTT completely by deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool a folder and the ~/Library/Preferences/com.hegenberg.BetterTouchTool.plist
Afterwards reimport your preset.
(to open the ~/Library folder use Finder => Go => Go To Folder)
Hello, again. I am still facing some of the same issues as before. Fortunately, I have gotten my touch bar configuration to work the way I want it to using Control as my trigger key. Unfortunately, however, it still reacts to the Command and Shift keys. This is incredibly frustrating, as when I am writing a paper and using the Shift key for capitalization and the Command key for copy/paste shortcuts, the touch bar configuration flashes on and off my touch bar. Is there a way to disable these keys from being modifier keys? I have my touch bar actions set to "Show if NO modifier key is pressed OR if NONE of these are pressed": Option, Shift, and Command. Please help!
Any ides on how to "enable BTT for all apps" when it isnt showing up in a legacy version 3 on Hi Sierra? I'm on a 45 day trial but the enable menu is empty. Thanks for your time.
The Enable BTT for ... Menu item is still empty but after messing with BTT remote on my iphone and playing with some Enable/Disable commands I seem to have gotten it to Enable even though the menu displayed hasn't changed. Now I can resize and move windows with cntrl and option as I am totally addicted to this workflow and can't believe it isn't standard apple key commands!