wish list: another key sequence option ?

I very much like the idea of key sequences and its implementation in BTT.

However, I have run into quite a few problems : either the unintended insertion of letters if I don't use the "delete" option or catastrophic deletions (delete selected text, or document of Keyboard Maestro macro) if I use the delete option.

My workaround is to precede the key sequence by activating a dummy apple note or Scrivener scratchpad before using the BTT key sequence followed by the escape key when I finished entering the key sequence, but I often forget so it's not a great solution.

Key Sequences when I have text selected or an item usually ends badly. It is practically impossible for me to remember this systematically.

Would it be possible to have the option of using a Keyboard Shortcut (always the same) to signify to my Mac "I am not starting to enter a key sequence, don't type the following letters until I press the escape key" > I enter the key. sequence > press escape to return to normal keyboard function. Is there a workaround which would allow me to do this at the present time ?

thanks in advance for your time and help

for this you can use the actions

start blocking keyboard input
stop blocking keyboard input

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fantastic ! thank you Andreas !

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Idiot that I am, I first configured stop keyboard input, and than was unable to create the unblock keyboard input. I solved it but barely by creating the unblock trigger with the mouse only.
If I run into problems in the future because the keyboard input is blocked for some reason, what is the emergency measure to unblock it without having access to the keyboard ?
thank you @Andreas_Hegenberg

if you have BTT's menubar icon visible you can quit BTT with your mouse. Alternatively you can always use your mouse to open Activity Monitor from your Applications => Utility folder and then quit BTT from there.

You could also define a key sequence or any other trigger to quit BTT :wink:

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another stupid question: I imagine that restarting my mac would work? thank you

sure, that would also work. (but quitting BTT is easier :-))

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for the benefit of forum members who are reading this post, I find it useful to add a notification every time I block / unblock the keyboard.


Thank you for this, but can you also provide screenshot how you configured your trigger and actions?

Thank you in advance.

same keys but the opposite ⌥ R⌃R to block

Thanks for sharing. I was looking for something unified, something like:

But I guess it is not possible.

what should that action sequence achieve?

I think you will always need some trigger that happens before you start with your key sequence because BTT doesn’t know a key sequence is going to happen next

Yep, the screenshot I've provided is just a "dirty" way to show what I like to achieve, I'm aware that BTT cannot know what should happen, but BTT never keeps surprising me that's why I've decided to ask.

The action sequence should basically search selected text with google, without scrolling.

one thing that might help with this is an upcoming trigger “selected text did change”. This alone will not be able to solve this, but maybe when combined with some conditions

That trigger will be available sometime in january (I mostly planned it for being able to show a floating menu when text is selected)


Not that I could add much more intelligent stuff, at most this:

ESC seems intuitive to me. With BTT you can set ESC so that it also unlocks the keyboard. If the keyboard was not blocked at all, nothing happens.

Of course, this also works with ⌘, for example. Whenever this modifier is released, the keyboard is unblocked.

What I like even better is this. Of course, this also works to unblock/block the keyboard. But that's a matter of opinion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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a brilliant solution. thank you very much @Frank1 !

I read it 10 times and still don't understand the principle. Sorry !

No problem :slightly_smiling_face: You could set it up like this: ⌘ Tapped twice and held blocks the keyboard. Now you can type a letter, just like with a normal shortcut.

But if you just press and hold ⌘, it works like a normal shortcut with ⌘.

Whenever ⌘ is released, the keyboard is no longer blocked. So you cannot “forget” to reactivate the keyboard.

This turns ⌘ into a "double modifier" ... or whatever you want to call it ... Forget it, that's probably the kind of nonsense that only I set up. :innocent:

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how I understand. Very imaginative which is great. I will try it. Thank you again @Frank1 !