Why are my icons not centered?

I'm currently on redesigning one of my menus and have two issues. One of my issues was creating a pill-shaped background. If the size was set to "fit on content," I had to guess the corner radius, and it was never right. But I set the size to manual and created the pill shape that way.

The second issue is that the icons are not centered, even though there is no spacing around them. Is that normal, or do I have to change some settings?

is it possible that the parent menu has some padding set?
Could you share the menu with me (andreas@folivora.ai)

I have sent you my menu.

The problem is this:
You menu minimum height is set to 60 px, however your items are set to 50px. You can see it if you set a background color for the items:

Ah, so the minimum height and the icon's height should be the same?
And what about the width? How can I arrange them to the center?
I changed the sizing and it looks better now. But why is the right icon not as close to the edge as the left icon?

Not the icons height, but the items height.

Centering items is currently not possible (only by manually specifying the margins etc.)

(it really helps to enable a background color on the items then you see why / what is wrong)

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Yeah, that was what I meant.
Ok, I will do it manually then.

Thanks for your help

Hey @Andreas_Hegenberg,
I've set everything up, and it looks good so far, but there seems to be an issue.
At first, everything worked great. I don't know what happened, but now it looks like that. Do you have any idea what causes this issue?

Hey @Andreas_Hegenberg,
Can you help to get rid of the glitching? I have no idea what causes it.

Yes, can you send an export of your menu(s) to me? Then I can check.

The menu contains four different menus. I selected all of them and exported them, but I don't know if all of them are in this one file.
If they are missing, just let me know, and I will send you the missing menus.
contextual menu.bttpreset (364.7 KB)


I can reproduce the issue, I'll look into it tomorrow. Looks like some small timing issue

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should be resolved in 5.134!

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I will keep an eye on it and update as soon as possible.

Hey @Andreas_Hegenberg,
First of all, thanks for the fixing.
I updated to the newest version, and the glitching issue is gone. But now there seems to be a new issue. I created the main menu so the icons change color when you hover over the icons as well as over the submenus, but now they don't change their color when I hover over the icons.
When I hover over the submenu, it works fine.
Why is that? Does it have something to do with the update? I haven't changed anything since then.

I'm not exactly sure (also didn't have a full look at the menus yet), but I think that one of the showing or hiding actions resets the icon color change:

Moving the update menu item action to the end seems to fix it:

I'll try to figure out what exactly triggers the reset

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Ah I think the issue is with the hover start and hover end triggers, the hover end seems to trigger incorrectly. I'll have a look.

Should be resolved in 5.137, uploading now.

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Now everything works fine.