What is your Favorite TrackPad Finger gesture?

I just purchased BetterTouchTool and am obsessed with customizing my finger gestures!:+1:
What are everyone's favorite finger gestures and actions?

I love the gesture of adjusting the volume with the rotating gesture❣️

I would like to know everyone's favorite gestures!

My other favorite gestures↓

Hey man, I liked this feature very much. It worked for me. The shortcuts I used are in the image below.

Can you explain to me how you created this shortcut?

You mean how to set up sound volume gesture, don't you?

  1. Add this Trigger and Action
  2. Change Setting like this [Advanced Setting>Trackpad>Scroll&Zoom&Rotate]

it seems For Browser gestures? You assign the three-finger gesture to operate the tab right? Thank you for sharing!

My Browser Setting is Like this. In my gestures, I use four-fingers to unify all Operating window gestures. ArcBrowser's Tab Switcher works incredibly well with BTT Gestures!