Visibility of floats only on window dragging?

Is it possible? you know for resizing.

maybe hide the floating window on modifier pressed too.

I think we can potentially copy the windows management feature of window's PowerToys

You mean a bit like the Notch Menu example ( which allows to drag windows onto specific items to resize them?

I think it's a good idea to have an option to only show while dragging windows or items - I'll think about a way to add this.

yes but with the layout spread on the screen which appears only when you drag a window
and you can disable it if you drag a window and press/hold SHIFT

optimally you could switch between layout profiles with a shortcut for different layout based on your current task needs (like 1/4splits or 2/3 split).

p.s I am starting to like pressing on the window and pressing on shift and choosing location

this is what i got so far:
exported_triggers.bttpreset (73.1 KB)

Do you know about the snap areas feature in BTT? I think it might be more suited for what you are trying to do!

Ho damn that's much better than what I was looking for!