Sequoia 15.1.1
Updated to 4.963 this morning
Prior, had to change a ton of my "Left Click w/o modifiers" actions to "at mouse position"
After updating, about a couple dozen of my Left Click at Mouse aren't clicking properly (at all, or sporadically) for web-based page/form buttons. Have either changed to "left click without mods" or created new actions to try and perform the step with keyboard actions.
Left click actions are usually following a "Wait for Image to become vis & move mouse" action.
Can you post a simple example that doesn't work for you?
There haven't been changes specific to the left click actions.
Currently, without adding a Delay action, the click almost never happens:
Actually - it's good to know there aren't others experiencing this.
My Left Click w/o Modifiers actions were peppered everywhere throughout my operation and they've been behaving as expected; within about the last month, I've been fighting with them working consistently every day. Doesn't matter the website. Seemingly inexplicably, there are a few instances where the click works and I don't have to touch them.
Adding the delay after move mouse is my current workaround.
Right now left clicks are working if I add a .22 second delay action.
I'll keep testing to see how much lower I can get it.
Is it maybe a problem with a specific application you are using? Maybe something has changed with that in the last month?
I think you mentioned it somewhere but I can't find it right now, was it a specific Browser?
Hmm. I haven't installed anything in a long while, except for updating to Sequoia.
I'm hard core Chrome... deep into Google ecosystem.
Attaching one of my triggers that I've not had to modify at all. The move mouse followed by left click has worked throughout all of my other trigger troubles.
20241212 Left Click works exported_triggers.bttpreset (212.2 KB)
Hi - I have news to share about my "left click" troubles...
I am at 4.9954 now ... all other aspects of my environment are unchanged
- All actions used to be "Left Click Without Modifiers" and it became very unstable
- Tried changing to "Left Click at Mouse" with some success, but still very unstable
- Tried using "Double Click" with some success, but had other side effects and still wasn't 100%
- Have started replacing troubled Triggers with "Custom Click: Left"
- Earlier today, all sorts of unreliable behavior for left clicks... when changed to "Custom Click: Left", unreliable behavior stopped (YAY YAY YAY)
I'll keep observing, but so far so good after kicking off about 50 of my BTT triggers today that need multiple left clicks
if the latest versions helped, the issue might have been with the "move mouse" actions. I did improve them a bit with the latest versions.