[v4.9994] default CapsLock mapping and shortcut bindings are broken.

Describe the bug
I am a Japanese user and have configured left_control + space to switch between EN and JA. And I have mapped the caps_lock key to the control key using the default macOS functionality.

After updating to v4.9994, this key binding has broken. The actual left_control + space still works correctly, but only caps_lock + space is not work.

Strangely, the first attempt (EN to JA) works as expected, but executing caps_lock + space again to switch back from JA to EN stops working.

Affected input device: Keyboard(Bluetooth/Logicool K881)



↓Meaning: Select the previous input source↓


Kapture 2024-12-24 at 00.27.29

Device information:

  • Type of Mac: Mac mini M4Pro
  • macOS version: Sequoia 15.1.1
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.9994

Additional information (e.g. crash logs, related issues, etc.):

I have not configured any key bindings or HyperKey settings in BTT.

can you try doing the remapping in BTT?:

@Andreas_Hegenberg I already tried that, but it did not work. I forgot to mention it earlier—apologies for the oversight.

that is weird. I just tried but it seems to work fine here. Possibly try to restart BTT after changing the remappings. Or try to change the mappings in System Settings once to reset them.
Could you maybe try whether v4.9995 changes anything?

@Andreas_Hegenberg Hmm, I reset the BTT recap and also reconfigured the macOS mapping, but it didn't work. I also tried v4.9995, but that had no effect either.

What I do know is that the issue occurs the moment the input switches to JA(Japanese). Even switching to JA using the mouse from the macOS menu bar causes the issue, so I suspect it might be related to the input source.

BTW, I only have the two default input sources configured in my system.


I can reproduce it with the Japanese layout. It's really strange, it seems to press ctrl for a few milliseconds but let go of it immediately. I have no idea why that is but I'll try to figure it out.

I believe I found the issue. For some reason every caps lock press on a japanese keyboard triggers a "layout changed" notification from the system, which confused various parts of BTT. I'm now ignoring this in v4.9996

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Thank you! After updating to v4.9996, the issue has been resolved in my environment as well. It might be possible that the "layout changed" event occurs specifically for 2-byte (CJK) characters.

I really appreciate your support. BTT is an amazing tool. Thank you for your continuous development!