updated to 4.997 and lost some of my settings

I just updated from 4.910 to the latest update 4.997 and I noticed a lot of my newly set up shortcuts and gestures stopped working. I checked my settings and see that most of older settings are still available, but recently I set up a bunch of new shortcuts and gestures etc. And most these seem to be gone for some reason. It’s almost as it used an old preset of my settings after updating.

I unfortunately didn’t manually backup my latest settings before updating BTT so can’t restore any of the missing settings. I also don’t have Time Machine enabled.

Any idea why my settings were removed and if I can recover them?

did you possible sometime between 4.910 and 4.997 upgrade to an intermediate version, but then downgrade again and now upgrade again? (In that case BTT might use the wrong data file because it can not determine the correct one)

Yeah, I actually did that. I tried the alpha 4.929 version a few weeks ago before going back to 4.910 (where I still had all the settings).

you can recover this, however you will need to manually delete (or better move away) the 4.997 and the 4.929 files from ~/Application Support/BetterTouchTool/ (go there via Finder , go, go to folder, make sure to include the ~).

First with BTT then go to that folder and remove all files that have 4.929 or 4.997 in it. Then start BTT again

Yeah, removing every file from that folder containing any version other than the last one I used worked :smile: