Update (Neither Regular or Alpha) Installing Correctly (Sonoma B7)

I needed to do a fresh install of BTT because of issues I'm having with MacOS Sonoma B7. When reinstalling it (from latest repo). I get prompted with "BetterTouchTool 4.212 (2433) is now available-you have 4.212 (2432). Would you like to download it now?". Upon accepting it will download and install. When BTT restarts the same update prompt will reappear with the same version numbers. It will do this indefinitely.


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Device information:

  • Type of Mac: MacBook Pro 16in 2019 (Intel)
  • macOS version: Sonoma 14.0 B7
  • BetterTouchTool version: 4.212

I have since rebooted, and reimported my license but nothing fixed it.