Update Frustration!

During the recent minor updates, there were repeated changes that directly affected the Floating Menus. With the newest update, the sub-menus shift position with every launch, etc. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

This is all very frustrating. How can I use the latest BTT with all bug fixes without having to invest time readjusting my menus every time? :face_exhaling:

there have been tons of fixes and improvements for the floating menus recently, it is possible something broke in some specific setups. If you encounter an issue please create a bug report - best either include the menu that causes problems or send an export of your preset to andreas@folivora.ai. I'm currently prioritizing any reports related to floating menus. If I need to fix something you can of course downgrade to your previous version if necessary (Index of /releases) - downgrading to the previous version can be done without losing data.

Floating menus are currently in very active development. If you want to be sure nothing changes, you can stick to a specific version and disable autoupdate.

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That's alright. It's clear that you put an enormous amount of work into developing BTT. There weren't really any actual bugs that I could find, I just had to keep adjusting the position. That frustrated me before because I couldn't use the menu properly.

After adjusting some X and Y positions again, everything is back in order.

Looking at your previous post, this is most likely an issue with the position based on the hovered item in a separate menu, correct? I think I might have an idea what is causing this, I'll have a look!

If you have a menu setup that you can share that would be very helpful

Yes correct, it's about the menu from my last post.

Tools-Menü.bttpresetzip (4.6 MB)

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Thanks a lot - cool setup! With that I can see the issue. I'll fix it!

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Could you check with v4.828?
However while looking at your menu and my code, I found that the hovered item position was not really correct - while it was using the x y values of the hovered item, it used the width and height of the menu. You worked around that by using various offsets here:

I fixed that issue now, however this means you'll need to adjust / remove these offsets again.

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with 4.831 I also added a new positioning reference "Specific Floating Menu" - that can make it easier to position other menus based on a menu's position.

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Great, THANKS! I have adjusted the positions again and also used the Specific Floating Menu Position for my “Apple ComTools” menu, but unfortunately this has led to chaos for my two menus which are located in the upper left and lower right corner. I have stayed with the old positioning.

Nevertheless, I played a bit with the absolute positions to adjust the icons to each other.

Tools-Menü.bttpresetzip (4.7 MB)