So, after my hard drive filled up, I decided to figure out what was causing it. CCleaner gave me this screenshot, but I have no clue why there are two versions and what’s taking up 40 GB. Any idea what I can delete from the internal backups? I’ve been using BTT since 2016, so there’s definitely a lot piled up...
does CCCleaner not show more info about which files exactly? (I'm using DaisyDisk for this, and it is very nice)
have a look at this folder:
~/Library/Application Support/BetterTouchTool
BTT keeps various backups, in general you can delete any database file that has older version numbers in it.
Maybe it’s also the clipboard manager sql file if you have been using that
Maybe send an email with the biggest files from that folder to me (, then I can tell which are safe to delete
Okay, just to make sure I don't mess up my BTT configuration. In the folder, there are several files with similar names, each about 115MB in size. Can I delete all of them except the currently installed build?
Yes, in theory you only need the three files for the current build, e.g.
However the clipboard manager data is saved separately,
Hm... I’ve now moved all files with "btt_data_store.version_4..." (except the actual build) to another folder on the desktop. According to CCleaner, BTT is now 177 MB. However, BTT is now telling me: "You do not have any triggers configured yet.
then you accidentally moved the one for your current version
Copied it back. Now things are getting interesting...
Did you quit BTT during the moving?
If not, possibly something got corrupted.
You can however quit BTT, remove the one with the latest build numbers and use the previous one. You can see the correct build number via the menubar icon:
Okay, after a brief heart attack (even though I have a current TimeMachine backup), it’s back up and running. I’ll leave the old data in the temp folder for now and delete it if everything keeps working. Thanks for your patience!
yah i have had this problem for quite on the alpha version and deduced the many larger sized files. that were all similarly sized IIRC ~150mb each. So I periodically just prune the Bettertouchtool folder in Application Support and delete the larger files by date-i delete all older files. but usually keep last few most recent just in case instead of keeping just latest file. Works good for me, just have to keep eye on it every so. often when it gets. way up in the GB #'s. Tip use sort by date and/or group folderr by size and makes process quick you can just delete all but the last 3 +/- large simarly sized folders which should be all groupded together and by date so saves time and makes simple. Best of luck