Unable to disable Drawing / Mouse Gestures properly

I use chess.com to play and analyse chess which allows making arrows with pieces using the right-click and drag gesture. This conflicts with BTT's right-click drawing gestures obviously.

To solve this, I added an app group for the chess.com app (Safari PWA) and disabled drawing gestures only for this group.

While this does disable the BTT drawing gesture, it still doesn't seem to let me use the chess.com arrow-drawing capability. I can only use it if instead I chose to completely disable BTT for this app, either from the app group or from the BTT menubar icon. I'd very much like to keep BTT enabled (to use with Stream deck, keyboard shortcuts, window snapping, etc.) but fully disable mouse gestures so I can draw arrows.

Affected input device (e.g. MacBook Trackpad, Magic Mouse/Trackpad, Touch Bar, etc.):
Logitech MX Master 2s

Using latest macOS and BTT alpha.